Thursday, May 9, 2019

Technology, Globalization and Chang Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Technology, Globalization and Chang - Assignment ExampleOthers argue that there atomic number 18 advocates of a stiff principle that calls for change and avoidance on the grounds that it may finally introduce to unexpected, unfavorable, environmental impacts.In some situations where productivity increases as a result of technology like the side of DuPont Company, exceed human activity growth, and outpace the stress on environment. In other cases, the forces of technology and environment do balance. An example of such is the saturating demands for raw materials in developed countries. Moreover, there are cases where the increase in environmental stresses surpasses advances in production (Alden, 2004).Richard Mullin observes that those people who are educated do not expect more from science since science has does not have the ability to deliver a good deal. Basing his arguments from Aristotles teachings on ethics, he asserts that scientific judgment ought to be authorized or oth erwise, they will not be regarded as scientific. These remarks come later the realization that CFC was destroying environmental ozone layer. Therefore, DuPont managers have been unable to develop scientific knowledge since there is much uncertainty and disagreement between managers at the company. For instance, an example of uncertainty includes human made chemicals such as CFC (Benedict, 1991). The case of CFC shows that the management decisions were not certain and that the issue of harm was not certain to them.The case of CFC shows how technology may at times be abused because it is in introduction but mostly, either its application or lack of application is an outcome of the same equipment that makes the other decisions in our societies. In this context primordial elements of the environment will illustrate the roles of technology and how it is applied both in creating problems to the environment and how it creates remedies for the same problems. It is significant to ask ethic al questions regarding if the

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