Sunday, May 19, 2019

Money Changes People

M geniusy C string upes People There was a metre period were I was rattling wealthy, were I can overreach mostly e verything I wanted. My family and I would go to Vegas every single pass and when it came to my birth mean solar twenty-four hours we would go to chucky cheese solely not rightful(prenominal) any chucky cheese, we would go to Beverly Hills chucky cheese. Well one twenty-four hour period all of that went down hill, my father got obsessed in buying any random wee from the store that we didnt even out need he would always regulate well need this one day but that one day never came.It was a hot summer day when our payment of our syndicate but now we couldnt even pay because we ran out of cash just because my pappa, but I wouldnt blame him only because I would buy some random game that wasnt even worth buy it and I didnt play it all. Well at that place was only 3 more days to pay or the police would come and I panicked and I call my ma and dad over so I can tal k to them. I tell them in a very confident tone um, so Ive been thinking why dont we trade name the bank down the block by olive garden, you the place we used to eat in very special days? I was scared to what they would say but they say what I wanted them to say well thats our only choice to do son since thats the fastest thing to do. That solution satisfied my life. The next day we go very early because we didnt want anybody to hurt in any way. My dad knows a guy who can give us some bulletproof vests and a rifle and a handgun. Im very nervous said my mom in a scared tone. Cmon mom we can do this just dont bother with leave out cause they stimulate a chemical where it throws blue ink at your face so just stick with the tellers. Ok son lets do this, are you ready? What about you Hun? Yes mom Im ready Im also ready, lets get this over with we go in side and there are no people but the manager and a colleague, so that was the best moment to get in. my dad and I scream out put y our hands up and get on the scandalise we tell the police inside to drop the gun and give it to me. He failed to do so, so I shoot him in the leg and drops down to the floor he quickly tries to shoot me but I stopped him and shot him in the head and all you see is the brain on the wall displace down slowly.My mom told me to go and grow the money, and I put on my g fucks on and I go to the tellers, they only had 400,000 dollars which didnt fill us up so we decide to go to the vault and we take 3. 5 million dollars, I didnt know why they had so much money but then 5 min. later we left the place and then the bus guy who would collect the money comes and sees the dead guy on the floor, he decides to call the police but in front he did that my dad gets his rifle and shoots him right in the heart.My mom and my dad said something at the analogous time lets hide the bodies and leave but before we did that we hear a loud bang and it was the co-worker who we forgot all about so we take her also and putted them into a dumpster. Its been 3 years since that falled and were all gone from LA and we went to good old Washington, which my mom had a dream living there. My dad on the other he has changed a lot, now he has a job and finally got the hang of taking care of the money and how to use it and how to buy the right things we needed. Hi son do you take to be what happened 3 years ago? How can I not remember that, that was the best day of my life, I had so much fun except those people we killed. Yes I guess it was fun. Now its been 10 years since that happened and now were wealthier than the richest man in Washington. Why, would you ask? Its simple, my dad created the anti theft dismay for cars and stores and even a bank.He got the idea of this 2 years ago when he said Im going to create this so no other dumbass would do the same shit we did I book dad you should create this yes Hun we would make a very good investment. Well it was a great victor and he made 1 . 2 trillion dollars. I told my dad that I wanted to help the ugly and people who dont have enough money to even survive one day and he gave me a positive answer yes son go ahead heres 2 million dollars, go do a good thing with that money. Thank you dad I love you I love too son. The very next day I went out to the streets and gave every homeless person person 100 dollars and made an organization of helping the poor a gave the rest that I have and gave everyone in Africa food and supplies to survive. That lasted 5 years and the closing of my organization I made a quarrel and it went like this hi kids, family and parents, I here to say that Im very happy to what happen a few years ago when I started all of this.All of you here are maybe request your, why did he do this? Well I did this because I went through this when I was younger and me and my family were ravenous and we had to survive, umm I prefer you to read my book I made called my survival story thank you for time and good bye. So my life has changed and my dad and my mom are busy going around the foundation helping people while I stay here and try to survive another day like anybody would do.

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