Thursday, May 16, 2019

McDonalds and Social Responsibility

All companies have a responsibility to the public to ensure that their products argon non harmful in any manner. Presently, the States is facing a national health crisis as the consequence of adults and children posting from obesity continue to rise. Companies that provide food to the public need to make sure their foods ar nutritious and fit for human consumption.McDonalds was socially responsible in their actions to stop super-sizing food items. McDonalds is aware of the obesity epidemic in America, and eliminating the everywheresized food servings might help in some small way. subsequently all, McDonalds has been nicknamed the calorie king, (Good Business Deeds, 2004). Moreover, Morgan Spurlock caused McDonalds to be pressured even more after making a documentary of his develop of eating only food from McDonalds for a month. He gained 25 pounds, his cholesterol level soared, and his liver became impaired, (McDocumented ace Month of living on Only McDonalds Food, n.d.).On the other hand, is McDonalds to agitate for the obesity paradoxs in America? Hasnt McDonalds always been socially responsible? McDonalds has been in business organization for decades and has maintained life long customers and more of them are not obese. McDonalds provides most of the same food products that it has always provided, including salads. Is it their fault that people choose to do a burger and fries instead? Maybe we need to look at the personal responsibility of consumers. nightclub has changed, and more Americans lead a sedentary lifestyle than in the past. Becoming more physically brisk definitely plays a role in the obesity crisis as much as our diets.Why has McDonalds been singled turn up over the super-sizing issue? Even convenience stores provide super-sized soft drinks. McDonalds is socially responsible, but individuals need to final payment more personal responsibility in eating a balanced diet and exercising.In the 1990s, McDonalds worn-out(a) over $3 b illion dollars on recycled products, (Good Business Deeds, 2004). This clearly demonstrates that McDonalds is making an effort to be socially responsible. Not just for show, but because of the value of the company. We take seriously our commitment to conducting our business in a way that respects the world around us and the issues that matter most to you, (McDonalds Corporation, 2004).Although they will no long continue to super-size, some consumers will eat twice as much of the regular size. McDonalds is not to blame for gluttony. McDonalds is simply providing a service that consumers want, fast and convenient foods. That is what restaurants do. They provide the types of food that people want to eat. If consumers didnt enjoy the food at McDonalds they wouldnt buy it. The problem with obesity is not a McDonalds issue.The problem is that too many another(prenominal) Americans do not want to take responsibility for their personal choices. McDonalds has restaurants all over the world , including most countries in Asia. However, most people in Asian countries are fit and trim. McDonalds is serving up the same food to them as it is to Americans, but they are not suffering from obesity. May our problem is greed. We are a materialistic society and we stuff our mouths with food, our closets with excessive clothing, and our bank accounts with money.We never seem to be qualified to satisfy our appetites. So when McDonalds eliminated super-sized products we started eating twice as much of the smaller portions. Whether or not a restaurant serves large or small portions, we will eat as much food as we want to eat. The food police cannot control how much anyone chooses to eat. And we will continue to gain weight and suffer from poor health. But this is the law of cause and effect. Because we eat in excess we are affecting our health. Because we worsen to exercise, our bodies will fail us. It is not up to the government to punish the companies that make or provide food. I t is up to each person to take the time to plan and eat balance and healthy meals.We eat at McDonalds because we want instant gratification. Isnt it faster and easier to grab a burger on the way home from work, than to go home and good real food? Isnt it easier to take diet pills than to take a 30-minute walking each day? We have the option of making decisions that are best for our health. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that many of us are choosing to be obese, and we are in denial. Our health is our responsibility. ReferencesGood Business Deeds (2004). Retrieved April 8, 2007 from http// One Month of Living on Only McDonalds Food (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2007 fromhttp// Corporation (2004). Responsibility. Retrieved April 8, 2007 fromhttp// e.tmp/CR_Report_(Revised).pdf

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