Friday, May 31, 2019

How Is Waste Management Affected By Socioeconomic Factors? Essay

How Is run through Management Affected By Socioeconomic Factors?Summary.One of the approximately pressing environmental issues facing the world today is the issue of waste management and disposal. This problem crosses all international borders and touches the lives of all of the worlds peoples. chase away management encompasses everything from collection and handling to disposal by incineration, landfill and other methods, and recycling. Also included are the serious associated implications for the health of people and the environment. As waste producing activities fall out and intensify, the world community will be faced with hard choices on how to best manage and dispose of wastes. These decisions should be based on hard lore and sound management practices. However, there are geopolitical dimensions to be found in the decision-making process of waste management and disposal. The purpose of this study has been to determine how geopolitical factors affect waste management on globose and local scales. Specifically, this investigation has been guided by looking at how social and economic factors affect global and national waste management practices.By looking at the various aspects of waste management, this investigation has determined that decision-making is greatly affected by socioeconomic factors. Waste disposal practices are shown to be directly associated with the extent to which a nation or region is industrialized, or developed. This study presents evidence, both statistical and anecdotal, that waste disposal, incineration, landfill come out selection, and many of the other areas of waste management are indeed associated with ethnic, racial, regional and national considerations. This study concludes that internatio... ...t.Lee, G., A. Jones-Lee (1998). Addressing Justifiable NIMBY A Prescription For MSW Management. Landfills and Water Quality Management.W2. japan Blamed For Coercing Thai Incinerator Purchases. http// .html.W3. Medical Waste Incineration Banned In Argentinean Capital.http// Highest Dutch Court Calls Ship Toxic Waste, (2002).http// Greenpeace Intercepts European Ship Attempting to Illegally Dump Toxic Waste In Turkey, (2002).http//, D. (1998). Lives of the Saints The Loneliest Shipper. New York Magazine.Suro, R. (1998). Pollution-Weary Minorities Try Civil Rights Tack.The New York Times.Brown, P. (2000). What A Waste The Guardian.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Music in the Information Age :: mp3 digital music

The idea that medicinal drug is information tends to turn peoples heads. The artifice of information stands as the largest growing field in both business and society. How does the age-old art of music fit into this category? Can music even be considered information? The rising popularity of mp3s proves that people value music as a ancestry of information. Hundreds of groups are advertising their band on the web at, from popular music groups to those struggling to make a name in society. The web sites shell out as a vehicle for bands to display their message to the cosmos in an uncensored atmosphere. This atmosphere cannot be presented solely through record judges because the labels monitor what the public sees. Music speaks to the public through its words and sound. Musicians use the web as a source to present the information their music holds.Music as a form of information implies that music has the ability to influence those people who listen. The record label gives t he public a chance to purchase compact discs and tapes, to attend music concerts and to acquire paraphernalia to support the band. However, record labels restrict a bands ability to present a true, unveiled, and strong message. The labels keep a music group in a position where the group will attract the highest number of customers or followers. As a result, the web opens a field of free advertising for these label connected groups. One of the biggest users of the web is Public Enemy, an old rap group who holds strong views. Their web site draws attention to different issues of politics and racial equality, issues that would be difficult to present with a record label dictating the ultimate end product for a band. Public Enemy, themselves, states on their site ( that their next tour is more than than a tour, this is a campaign. The access to a huge source of information, the internet, allows the group to present true reasons for their performances. These reasons can get lost in the process of marketing, save Public Enemy grasps onto the meaning of their music, to address political issues that surround society. Their ability to advertise would seriously decrease without the use of the web. It remains the strongest and quickest vehicle for bands to boot out the image desired by their music to the greatest number of people.As a result of the freedom of music and its message, the road of communication widens.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing Seamus Heaney’s Digging and Eavan Borland’s In Search of a Nation :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Comparing Seamus Heaneys Digging and Eavan Borlands In Search of a terra firma Seamus Heaneys Digging and Eavan Borlands In Search of a Nation focus on issues involving identity. Bolands essay reveals an individual uncertain in her personality, sexuality, and nationality maculation Heaneys poem depicts a man who recognizes his familys lineage of field laborers yet chooses the pen over the shovel. The benefit of reading the two works twin reveals how Ireland has influenced their lives. Heaneys use of digging provides different metaphorical images. For example, as Heaney sits at the window he hears a clean rasping sound When the spade sinks in to gravelly ground My pose, digging. I look down 5 Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds Bends low, comes up twenty years away bow in rhythm through potato drills Where he was digging (3). Heaney emphasizes the aspect of time claiming that his father has been laboring for twenty years. He implies that during the twenty years a shift took place from the potato drills to flowerbeds. The shift represents the possible retirement of his father from fieldwork to something more recreational, e.g. gardening, and hints at mortality. The image of a flowerbed invokes a flower constitution for a gravesite. The imagery coupled with the use of past tense indicates that his father has passed away. In addition to the aspect of time the f scrap that he is listening to his father dig suggests a sense of oral tradition that has been passed on to him. Heaney describes his father as being Just like his old man linking himself to his own granddad (3). Though he has not actively participated in his fathers laboring Heaney would have been able to hear the stories of working in the potato fields. As a result Heaney has learned the historical 1importance of the previous generation. Boland relates well with Heaney in terms of a tradition that in her case is more literary than oral. In her teen years after reading the poem The Fo ol by Padraic Pearse she unearths deeply seeded emotions of Irish patriotism What I see is the way a poem about nationhood has suddenly included me The inclusion is not by address or invocation but by a sweeping and self-proposing act of language that speaks to all the longings I have for grandiloquence and certainty (53).

Tony Earley :: essays research papers

Memory and Imagination within Human ExperienceTony Earley delves into his own memories in his book, Somehow Form a Family. In the introduction, he instructs the reader on the purpose of narrative form, defines a personal essay, and reveals the true nature of creative nonfiction. In the ten essays that follow, he provides sketches of the events and people who shaped his life. Earley focuses on a different bit of common ground in each story, giving his readers everything they need to know within a relatively short pas de deux of pages.The uses of discernable facts, such as actual places, names, past events and past conversations, add elements of authenticity to Earleys writings. From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the name Bill Ledbetter, to the numerous shows he watched throughout his adolescence, Earley presents these facts to the reader in order to tether the woven script to a tangible source. He repeats these facts over and over within each story, reflecting once more and again on p ersonal memories. Memory and imagination, Earley states, seem to me the same human property, known by different names. Earley makes this important point as he reflects on the individuals ability to perceive an event uniquely due to imagination.Miracles are not uncommon within Earleys vivid memories. The imagination familiar within his work reflects his own willingness to accept the supernatural into his reality. Earley relishes in his memories, now infused with the essence of his own imaginationThe first time I attended the overblown Church in my hometown with a girlfriend, I was shocked by the complexity of the melodies the organist played, by the sheer, tuneful competence of the singing. Until then I dont say I knew it was possible to worship God in cadences and keys actually indicated in a hymnal. In the years since I left, Rock springs has added air-conditioning and a sound dodge and a fellowship hall, but has changed little in one important way the congregation still sings out of green, dog-eared copies of the 1940 Broadman Hymnal. Though I hear the songs in the Broadman sung well only once a year, on Homecoming, the third Sunday in May, when the church overflowed with visitors and our musical shortcoming were hidden wrong a joyful noise, they have always been the songs I love best. I would be hard-pressed to recall even a single sentence from the hundreds of sermons I heard growing up

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Jfk Assassination: Conspiracy Or Single-gunman? Essay -- essays re

The JFK Assassination Conspiracy or Single-Gunman?Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during ball War II, once said, "Thebigger the lie, the more than people will believe it." Although this may soundludicrous, we can see many example of this in the worlds history. unrivalled examplewould have to be the John Fitzgerald Kennedy character assassination. For over thirtyyears the people of the United States were led to believe that a single gunman dead reckoning and killed Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, at 1230 p.m... However,in this paper, I will dispute the ancient analization of the facts that show asingle gunman was involved, and seek to show that a conspiracy must(prenominal)(prenominal) have beenpresent.According to the old facts regarding the case of the JFK assassination, Kennedywas killed by a single gunman. On November 22, 1963, at 1230 p.m. CST (CentralStandard Time), Kennedy was riding in an open limousine through Dallas, Texas.At this time, Kenn edy was shot in the head and neck by a sniper. He was then(prenominal)taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Later,police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, at a nearby theater.By the next morning, Oswald was book for the murder of President John F.Kennedy. Two days later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclubowner, while he was being moved from the city to the county jail.At a glance, the above story sounds as if this should be an open-and-shut case.After all, according to the facts above, Oswald must have killed Kennedy.However, you must take a deeper look into this case. numerous people who witnessedthe murder of John F. Kennedy dispute the facts above, saying that they heardshots from places besides the book depository, and other things that maycontradict what is stated above. One of these witnesses, Abraham Zapruder,captured the entire assassination on his Bell and Howell eight millimeter moviecamera. This movie, cleverl y called the Zapruder Film, is the single best pieceof visual evidence in this case.In order to more clearly understand the Zapruder Film, it is necessary to breakit down into frames. The particular Bell and Howell movie camera that Zapruderwas using ran at eighteen and three-hundredths (18.3) frames per second. Whenusing this frame system, you must remember that all shots were in reality firedseveral frames before the number that is assign... ...ives tokill the President.As you can see, the killing of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy. There is noway a single gunman could have fired all the bullets that hit Kennedy andConnnally in that short period of time. Also, since Kennedys head went backand to the left, the bullet must have been fired from the front and right ofKennedy. This shows that there was another gunman, which makes this aconspiracy. Someday, it would be nice if the truth is revealed about who firedthe bullets, and how many gunmen there actually were.Bibliography1.&nbs p    Harris, Robert. "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy AReassessment of Original Testimony and Evidence."2.     Harris, Robert.     "The Single Bullet Theory A Question ofProbability."3.      impudentlyman, John. "Oswald and the CIA." Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc.New York 1995.4.     Summers, Anthony. "Conspiracy." McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York1981.5.     "JFK" Directed by Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., Inc. 1991.

The Jfk Assassination: Conspiracy Or Single-gunman? Essay -- essays re

The JFK Assassination Conspiracy or Single-Gunman?Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II, once said, "Thebigger the lie, the more lot will believe it." Although this may soundludicrous, we can see many example of this in the worlds history. One examplewould occupy to be the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. For over thirtyyears the people of the United States were led to believe that a single gunmanshot and killed Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, at 1230 p.m... However,in this paper, I will dispute the ancient analization of the facts that show asingle gunman was involved, and try to show that a conspiracy must get to beenpresent.According to the old facts regarding the case of the JFK assassination, Kennedywas killed by a single gunman. On November 22, 1963, at 1230 p.m. CST (CentralStandard Time), Kennedy was riding in an open limousine through Dallas, Texas.At this time, Kennedy was shot in the head and neck by a sniper. He was the ntaken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was enounce dead. Later,police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, at a nearby theater.By the next morning, Oswald was booked for the murder of President John F.Kennedy. Two days later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclubowner, while he was being moved from the city to the county jail.At a glance, the above story sounds as if this should be an open-and-shut case.After all, according to the facts above, Oswald must have killed Kennedy.However, you must take a deeper look into this case. Many people who witnessedthe murder of John F. Kennedy dispute the facts above, formulation that they heardshots from places besides the book depository, and other things that maycontradict what is stated above. One of these witnesses, Abraham Zapruder,captured the entire assassination on his Bell and Howell eight millimeter mental picturecamera. This movie, cleverly called the Zapruder Film, is the single best pieceof visu al evidence in this case.In order to more clearly understand the Zapruder Film, it is necessary to breakit rectify into frames. The particular Bell and Howell movie camera that Zapruderwas using ran at eighteen and three-hundredths (18.3) frames per second. Whenusing this frame system, you must remember that all shots were actually firedseveral(prenominal) frames before the number that is assign... ...ives tokill the President.As you can see, the killing of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy. There is noway a single gunman could have fired all the bullets that hit Kennedy andConnnally in that short period of time. Also, since Kennedys head went backand to the left, the bullet must have been fired from the front and right ofKennedy. This shows that there was another gunman, which makes this aconspiracy. Someday, it would be nice if the truth is revealed about who firedthe bullets, and how many gunmen there actually were.Bibliography1.     Harris, Robert. "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy A followup of Original Testimony and Evidence."2.     Harris, Robert.     "The Single Bullet Theory A Question ofProbability."3.     Newman, John. "Oswald and the CIA." Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc.New York 1995.4.     Summers, Anthony. "Conspiracy." McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York1981.5.     "JFK" Directed by Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., Inc. 1991.

Monday, May 27, 2019

An Overview Of The Malaysian Energy Sector Environmental Sciences Essay

Natural resources much(prenominal) as the air current and Sun are efficaciously implement to bring forth sinew. Since these types of resources are suppositiously infinite, it offers attractive force to be utilised and real extensively. In 2008, approximately 19 % of primary dynamism for the existence s ingestion is sourced from renewable resources. Large hydro authority constitutes the highest per centimeum followed by biomass. Modern engineerings like air current, solar, geothermic and other engineerings produce really less of the universe s pick out. bodure 2.1 and 2.2 high spots the present renewable heftiness scenario 7 .Malaysia is a state that rich with renewable beginnings of energy, such as biomass, bio fellate, solar, and mini-hydro. renewable energy is expected to play a larger function in the close hereafter in the position of the depletion of non-renewable cans militias and growing in energy demand. The Malaysia Government is charge uping the function of t he renewable energy as the fifth fuel in energy motley. However, the part of renewable energy to the entire electricity multiplication mix is really low. As of December 2009, renewable energy merely contribute & lt 1 % ( 55.5 MW ) of the electricity propagation for the national grid. Malayan authorities has approved the Renewable pushing and Action picture in April 2010 and will implement in 10 Malaysia Plan and beyond.In 2003, the entire electricity generated in the state was 83,300 GWh of which 72.8 % was contributed by gas, 16.3 % scorch, 6.2 % hydropower, 4.0 % fossil oil merchandises and 0.7 % by biomass and other fuels. Out of the 78,900 GWh produced by the public-service corporations and IPPs, 45,450 GWh or 57.6 % was contributed by IPPs ( Statistic of Electricity Supply Industry in Malaysia, 2004 ) . At the terminal of 2003, the sum installed coevals capacity of the public-service corporations and IPPs in the state was 18,800 MW with a workings mix of 58.2 % gas tu rbine and combined rhythm, 19.3 % coal, 11.3 % hydropower, 7.5 % oil, 3.4 % Diesel and the puzzleing others. The state s electricity mathematical product from 2005 to 2009 is shown in dining table 2.1.The entire publish of energy in Malaysia increased from 2000 to 2005 and go oning addition in 2010. The chief beginnings of supply were rough oil and crude oil merchandises, and inhering gas. The portion of petroleum oil and crude oil merchandises declined while that of coal and coke increased, reflecting reduced dependance on a individual beginning of supply in maintaining with the furnish diversification insurance polity. In 2010, all of the chief signifiers of energy supply had experienced growing in response to spread outing demand but, consistent with the Fuel Diversification Policy, the portion of crude oil merchandises was declined to 61.9 % while that of natural gas was increased to 15.8 % in 2010. However, although rough oil and crude oil merchandises is still lend th e greatest proportion of the entire supply, a farther addition in the usage of coal and coke had allowed some decrease in the one-year growing rate of the oil supply, while the parts by natural gas and hydro had remained about the same.The security, dependability, role and cost wakeless supply of energy had been enhanced through an optimum energy mix preponderantly from domestic beginnings. The monetary care for of rough oil in international markets is expected to stay high so that farther efforts will be made to cut bulge out dependance on crude oil merchandises and to use their expeditiously.Between 2000 and 2005, the beginnings of fuel for power coevals were farther diversified with the increased usage of coal, consistent with the scheme to guarantee security and dependability of electricity supply every opus good as to cut down the high dependance on gas. Altogether, between 2000 and 2005, a sum of 6,420 MW of new coevals capacity was installed. Attempts were undertaken to cut down the high dependance on natural gas in the coevals mix by increasing the usage of coal. As a consequence, the portion of coal in the entire coevals mix increased from 8.8 per centum in 2000 to 21.8 per cent in 2005 whereas that of natural gas declined from 77.0 per centum to 70.2 per cent.During this period the electricity transmittal system was throw out expanded with the completion of new transmittal labor movements associating coevals workss to the chief grids every bit good as supplying connexions to new industrial and commercial countries. deed of the hobnailed electrification programmed ( which now stands at 92.2 % ) benefited abodes in Sabah and Sarawak in peculiar. Peak demand for electricity was grown at an mean rate of 7.8 % per annum and reached 20,087 MW in 2010. Enterprises are existence taken to further heighten the efficiency and viability of the public-service corporation companies and the independent power manufacturers enabling a decrease in the modest y border while bettering the security, dependability, quality and cost effectivity of supply to clients. The fuel mix for power coevals will chiefly consist coal and natural gas, with coal playing an increasingly of import function. New coal based independent power manufacturer workss utilizing electrostatic precipitators and a fuel gas desulphurization procedure will enable coal-based production to run into environmental criterions. In add-on, as portion of attempts to advance the optimum use of municipal waste for electricity coevals, a pilot job on waste-to-energy is being implemented in Peninsular Malaysia.When Malaysia formulated its first energy policy, concern over efficient use of energy and the demand for energy phylogeny to take history of environmental issues were cardinal. These concerns were driven by the oil crises of 1973 and 1978 and the implicit in issue was the demand to guarantee equal and dependable supplies of energy. The faculty Policy of 1979, the field of study Depletion Policy of 1980 and the Four Fuel Diversification Policy of 1981, have provided the model for the development of energy supply. The chief push of the energy policy works within a model of three wide policy aims supply, use and environment aims. These policy aims are instrumental in steering the preparation of the Malaysia fiver twelvemonth development programs. Since so the focal point in the energy sector has shifted to the sustainable development of non-renewable resources and the variegation of energy beginnings. The Four Fuel Diversification Policy identified the state s preferable energy mix as oil, natural gas, coal and hydro power. In 2001, Government articulated the Five Fuel Policy, adding renewable resources and associating this to sustainability and efficiency.2.1.3 billet of Renewable Energy Utilization2.1.3.1 Biomass EnergyBiomass is all the Earth s life affair, dwelling of stuffs produced by photosynthesis or organic byproducts from a waste watercour se. whence it is a signifier of stored solar energy. It includes a broad assortment of organic wastes and residues, typically from the agricultural sector, forestry, nutrient processing sector, carnal manures, sewerage and municipal secure wastes. In photosynthesis, turning workss organize energy and O by capturing sunshine, H2O and C dioxide from its milieus. The energy may so be released either by ardent of the solid fuel or by transition into liquid fuels such as methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol or biogas which chiefly consists of methane and C dioxide. This sort of utile energy produced from biomass is called bio energy. Biomass is an appealing energy beginning because it does non bring forth carbonic acid gas emanations merely because when it is converted into utile energy, it will breathe the CO2 it originally absorbed during photosynthesis.Biomass power workss exist in over 50 states round the universe and are no uncertainty a major energy supplier for many states through out the universe. It accounts to about a 3rd of entire primary energy ingestion in the development states. Even for industrialised states, the energy part from biomass can be important. The states that derive the larger proportion of entire primary energy from combustible renewable and waste are Finland ( 20 % ) , Austria ( 7 % ) and Germany ( 5 % ) 8 . Solar EnergyEnergy that can be straight generated from the Sun is fundamentally divided into deuce classs solar thermal and solar photovoltaic ( PV ) . In solar thermal, it can be in a signifier of active solar warming where the energy from the Sun is collected with either flat-plate or evacuated thermionic vacuum tube aggregators and is used for domestic hot H2O or swimming pool warming. Alternatively, it can be inactive solar warming that uses air to go around collected energy in edifices to cut down the energy required for warming of habitable infinites.For bring forthing electricity straight from the sunshine, there ar e two chief ways solar thermic electricity and solar PV cells 9 . Solar thermic electricity dressed ores sunlight utilizing a system of aggregators. The laborious sunshine so heats the H2O to sufficiently high temperatures to turn a steam turbine and hence generate electricity. Solar PV cells use a particular come forward that emits negatrons when exposed to visible radiation. The traveling negatrons produce a DC current that can be passed through an inverter to bring forth jumping current. Wind EnergyWind power is the transition of air current energy into utile signifier, such as electricity, utilizing air current turbines. Most modern air current power is generated in the signifier of electricity by change overing the rotary motion of turbine blades into electrical currents by agencies of an electrical generator. Wind power is used in big calibrated table air current farms for national electrical grids every bit good as in little single turbines for supplying electric ity to rural abodes or grid-isolated locations. Wind engineering is the fastest turning engineering in the universe, turning at over 32 % on mean yearly 8 .At the terminal of 2009, planetary installed capacity was 157,899 MW of which Asia acquires 24.6 % . China leads the list with entire installed capacity of 25,104 MW to day of the month. India runs 2nd with 10,926 MW followed by Japan with 2,056 MW and Taiwan sits in fourth with coevals of 436 MW 10 . HydropowerHydroelectricity is a well-established engineering, and the first renewable engineering to be developed. It is already a major subscriber to universe energy supplies, and provides one one-sixth of the universes one-year electrical end product and over 90 % of electricity from renewable 7 .Hydroelectricity eliminates the fuel gas emanations from fossil fuel burning, including pollutants such as S dioxide, azotic oxide, C monoxide, dust, and quicksilver in the coal. Hydroelectricity besides avoids the jeopardie s of coal excavation and the indirect wellness effects of coal-burning. Compared to atomic power, hydroelectricity generates no atomic waste, has none of the dangers associated with U excavation, nor atomic leaks. Unlike U, hydroelectricity is besides a renewable energy beginning. Compared to weave farms, hydroelectricity power workss have a more than predictable burden factor. If the undertaking has a storage reservoir, it can be dispatched to bring forth power when needed. Hydroelectric power workss can be easy regulated to follow fluctuations in power demand.Unlike fossil-fuelled burning turbines, building of a hydroelectric works requires a long lead-time for site surveies, hydrological surveies, and environmental impact appraisal. Hydrological data up to 50 old ages or more is normally required to find the best sites and runing governments for a big hydroelectric works. Unlike workss operated by fuel, such as fogy or atomic energy, the figure of sites that can be economically developed for hydroelectric production is limited in many countries the most cost effectual sites have already been exploited.2.2 Future Developments2.2.1 Energy GrowthThe Malayan economic system coming out of the recent economic downswing ( 1997- 2000 ) in the ASEAN part, coupled with a positive mentality of the Malayan economic system in the medium term, means that future demand for electricity is expected to increase significantly. In the interest old ages, the demand is forecasted to turn at an mean rate of 6-8 % per annum. Furthermore, Malaysia s peak demand is forecast to 21052 MW in 2010 for the Peninsular entirely 18 .In the twelvemonth 2010 it was anticipated that the fuel mix in Peninsular Malaysia were 58 % oil and gas, 33 % coal and the remainder hydro and other renewable beginnings of energy 18 . This was non come without an environmental cost since the focal point is on coal and gas to provide the future demand for power. Extra coal and gas-fired generators ( 10 GW in entire ) will breathe an extra 31 million metric stacks CO2 ( coal ) and about 8 million metric tons CO2 ( gas ) per twelvemonth. The entire electricity demand growing in Malaysia was about 5.8 % in 2002/2003. The growing in electricity demand was driven more or less every bit among residential, commercial and industrial sectors.In footings of demand, about all sectors exhibited growing in their ingestion of energy in 2003, with industrial demand driven by a growing in the fabrication and building sectors. Supply growing was driven by three major factors mission of new power workss, ensuing in an addition of installed capacityGreater imports of coal for power workssCompletion of the State oil color Company s ( PETRONAS ) suave Natural Gas works ( MLNG3 ) , built in Bintulu to back up higher demand for LNG.2.2.2 Malaysia s Energy PoliciesEnergy has contributed significantly towards the rapid growing of the Malayan economic system. Today, approximately 80 % of Malaysia s enti re population lives in Peninsular Malaysia, the hub of the state s economic activities. As Malaysia progresses towards going a developed state, energy ingestion will correspondingly addition. In run intoing increasing energy demand, concerted attempts have been undertaken to guarantee greater security and sustainability of energy supply. role of energy nevertheless produces some unwanted impacts on the environment and clime. Hence, sustainable usage of energy is being given attending in Malaysia.Malaysia energy policy came in the 70 s, a clip of lifting petroleum oil monetary values and find of new oil beginnings in the Peninsular Malaysia. A Petroleum Development Act ( PDA ) was enacted in 1974 and followed by the National Petroleum Policy in 1975. However, a more comprehensive national policy on energy came in 1979. This National Energy Policy contains three principal policy aims to steer future energy policy sector development. They are as followsEnergy Supply Assurance of equal energy supply through the decrease of the dependance on oil, and through the development and use of alternate beginnings of energy.Energy Use Promotion and encouragement of the efficient usage of energy and the riddance of uneconomical and non-productive forms of energy ingestion.Environmental Conservation Minimization of environmental debasement in recognizing the supply and use aims.In relation to the dependability and security of energy supply, Four-Fuel Diversification Policy was introduced in 1981, concentrating on four chief beginnings of fuel, that is to say oil, hydro, gas and coal which was besides aimed to cut down the dependence on oil in the energy ingestion, peculiarly in the power sector. This policy is so expended in the twelvemonth 2005 to include renewable energy ( RE ) as the fifth fuel to supplement energy supply from conventional energy resources.2.3 Renewable Energy Programs and Incentives2.3.1 Small Renewable Energy Power ( SREP )To ease the execution of RE u ndertakings, a SREP was implemented on 11th May 2001 by the authorities to evoke and escalate the use of renewable energy in power coevals. A SREP undertaking can be more than 10 MW in size, but the maximal capacity that will be allowed for power export to the distribution grid must non be more than 10 MW. Under SREP, the use of all types of RE, including biomass, biogas, municipal waste, solar, mini-hydro and air current, are allowed. As in 2010, 43 undertakings with mark capacity of 286.15MW have been approved by the authorities utilizing assorted types of renewable energy ( Fig 2.3 ) , with the most approaching from biomass and mini hydro. However, merely ten 10 undertakings are presently in operation with a entire capacity of 56.7MW.Figure 2.3 Status and Potential SREP Projects in MalaysiaUnder SREP, the old Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement ( REPPA ) selling monetary value agreed upon by the National Power Utility ( TNB ) for all RE grid affiliated undertakings, rang ed from 14-17 cent/kWh ( US4.6 cents/kWh ) . However, the electricity duty of 17 cent/kWh ( US5. 6 cents/kWh ) seems non to supply high satisfactory rate of return to pull investors or undertaking developers given the size of the undertaking under SREP. Consequently, the Government has increased the electricity duty for biomass and biogas undertakings to 19 cent/kWh ( US6.2 cents/kWh ) in September 2006 and later the monetary value has been adjusted to 21 cent/kWh ( US6.9 cents/kWh ) effectual August 2007. However, the monetary value for other RE resources such as Hydro and Solar remain at 17 cent/kWh. The addition in duty is expected to escalate farther the SREP undertaking development. Progress SREP ProjectSeveral RE undertakings approved between the old ages 2007 to 2008 hold made important advancement. These undertakings will provide a sum of 65.75 MW when they are connected to the electricity grid by the terminal of 2010. It is deserving observing that these undertaking s have progressed over a period during which alterations were made to the cardinal elements of the SREP Program viz. an addition in the monetary value of electricity sold to the public-service corporation by RE manufacturers, and the standardisation of REPPA to cut down the dialogue clip period ( or the demand to flush perform ) for RE capacity below 2 MW. These alterations addressed the two factors that were found by the 2006 survey to hold impeded the execution of SREP approved undertakings.2.3.2 Biomass Power extension & A Demonstration Project ( BioGen )Biomass Power Generation and Demonstration ( BioGen ) Undertaking was so introduced in October 2002 with the ultimate aim to advance and show biomass and biogas grid-connected power coevals undertakings and cut down the growing rate of GHG emanations from fossil fuel by using extra oil thenar biomass residues. BioGen facilitates development of the grid-connected biomass-fuelled little power systems, disseminates sentience in formation in palm oil industry, provides edifice and proficient aid in policy preparation, and fiscal installation aid through favourable deposit loans and revenue enhancement freedom among others. Some of BioGen important undertakings include the first 14MW ( export 10 MW ) power works in Tawau, Sabah which uses oil thenar residues ( renounce fruit clump, fibre and shell ) that successfully mitigate 40,000 50,000 dozenss of CO2 in 2004 and more late, a 46.2MW and 500 kW power workss are grid connected and commissioned in April 2009 and a sum of 700MW off-grid electricity has been produced by private thenar oil Millers. Progress BioGen ProjectTo day of the month, merely two all-out theoretical account undertakings have been implemented and scheduled for committee in early 2009 ( some 7 old ages after the beginning of the BioGen FSM Demonstration Project ) , viz. MHES Asia s 13 MW IPP running on biomass utilizing EFB as fuelFELDA Serting 500 kW power works utilizing biogas f rom palm oil factory wastewaters ( POME )2.3.3 Malaysia construction Integrated photovoltaic Project ( MBIPV )The MBIPV undertaking caters for the successful execution of GC-BIPV ( Grid Connected-BIPV ) installings in Malaysia under the UNDP/GEF back up Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic ( MBIPV ) Technology undertaking. The undertaking period coincides with the 9th Malaysia Plan period 2006 to 2010.The undertaking includes the development of appropriate, proactive and incorporate programs and policies that will make contributing environment for widespread credenza of BIPV beyond the 9th Malaysia Plan period to work solar PV energy in Malaysia.The Undertaking aims to develop the model for a national BIPV plan for the tenth Malayan Plan ( 2011-2015 ) and beyond, supported with suited and customized mechanisms for local conditions to speed up the market development and heighten the development of the PV industry in the country.A2.3.4 SURIA 1000Suria 1000, a national plan to p romote the acceptance of solar energy, was introduced during the gap ceremonial of the International Energy Conference for Sustainable Asia on 27th November 2006.One of the major enterprises under the UNDP-supported Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic ( BIPV ) Project, Suria 1000 targets the installing of solar cells at places and offices.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Immanuel Kant Essay

Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Natural Rights Theories, and Religious Ethics A functional argument, in the strict sense, is one what alleges that we ought to do around social function because it will produce to a greater extent total happiness than doing anything else would. Act utilitarianism (AU) is the moral theory that holds that the morally dear coiffureion, the act that we have a moral duty to do, is the one that will (probably) increase utility (happiness, welf ar, well- universe). AU is non to be conf utilize with egoism.The egoist really only c ars nigh his bear happiness. AU says that everyones happiness counts equally. Suppose that execution Joseph would in the long run produce more total happiness than letting him live would. Then according to AU, we ought to execute Joseph. Now if Joseph is a convicted sequential take outer who would probably escape and commit more murders if we tried to incarcerate him, then its antecedentable to think that executing him wo uld be the right thing to do. and what if he has committed no crime?What if he is simply an extremely irritating person with no friends or love ones, and the more volume with whom he has contact in his breeding argon very sensitive and dislike him intensely? Since more total happiness is produced if Joseph dies (the increased happiness of the many an(prenominal) who no longer have to endure him outweighs his unhappiness about dying) than if he lives, AU says that its right to kill him. This example illustrates what is probably the main dissent to AU it tells us to injure rights/commit injustices when doing so is requirement to produce the greatest total amount of happiness.A utilitarian argument in a looser sense is one that alleges that we ought to do something because of its unspoilt consequences (or not do something because of its bad consequences), where good/bad consequences neednt be limited to what increases or decreases happiness, exactly capability include other things that a strict utilitarian theory attaches no positive or negative intrinsic value to. An example the FDA shouldnt respect the morning after pill, because it will only promote out-of-wedlock sex. This argument assumes that out-of-wedlock sex is something that is per se bad, and that the risk of un deprivationed pregnancy and babies will deter at to the lowest degree some, perhaps many, from engaging in it, thitherby reducing the total amount of it. The strict utilitarian rejects the idea that such sex is an intrinsic moral evil, guardianship instead that if such sex is bad, it is bad only insofar as it causes bad consequences like unwanted pregnancy and babies. This argument for why the FDA shouldnt delight in the morning after pill is better described as consequentialist rather than utilitarian. All strictly utilitarian arguments argon consequentialist, hardly not all consequentialist arguments be strictly utilitarian. The important point is that one neednt believe that utilitarianism is the correct moral theory in order to believe that consequentist arguments of either the strictly utilitarian kind or other kinds provide good reasons. We post admit that the increase in the happiness to others is a good reason to execute Joseph. But we can say that the fact that it would violate his right to life is an hitherto better reason not to do it. Respect for rights trumps maximizing utility.Suppose that we want to build a high trend that connects two cities. The shorter route would require destroying some scenic wilderness that is enjoyed by some nature lovers. The longer route avoids that only if entails a longer driving time for people who commute between the two cities. Which route should the highway be built on? Here its plausible to think that we should make the decision on the basis of utilitarian considerations. We look at all the costs and benefits of both alternatives and pick the one with the around favorable benefit to cost ratio.The ot her three viewsKantian ethical motive, natural rights theories, and religious ethicsall agree that there are many serving when maximizing utility would be wrong. Perhaps the strongest rejection to AU comes from the natural rights theory AU is false, because it tells us to violate peoples rights when thats necessary to maximize utility. The example of Joseph illustrates it, but heres another example. A sawbones has I sanitary and 5 flush and dying patients. Each of the sick and dying patients needs a hot organ one a new kidney, another a new liver, the third a new heart, etceteraand would fully recover if he received it. It so happens that the 1 wellnessy patient would be a suitable organ donor for all of them. If the surgeon kills the 1 and redistributes his organs, he saves 5. If he does nothing, then 1 is alive and 5 are dead. On the assumption that all six are equally happy, loved by others, and productive of utility for others in society, then the way to maximize utility i s to kill the 1. But if he wont consent to being killed and having his organs transplanted (he doesnt believe in utilitarianism), then killing him would violate his right to life.The objection is simply that it would be wrong to violate his right even if its the way to maximize utility. Kantian ethics is based on what Immanuel Kant claimed is the supreme principle of morality, the Categorical Imperative. Kant claimed that there were a few different but equivalent ways of stating the Categorical Imperative. The first, the Universal Law Formula, says that we should act only on principles that we can will to be a universal law that applies to everyone. The idea here seems to be that when people act immorally, they want everyone else to obey the rules but want to make an exception for themselves.Another way of stating the Categorical Imperative, the one well focalise on, is the Principle of Humanity. It says that whenever we act we must be sure always to treat all persons (both oursel ves and others) as ends and never as mere means. Persons in Kantian ethics refers to any being with the capacity to make moral judgments and conform to them (where that very much requires that one resist various urges, inclinations, and temptations to act against them). Persons have free will and reason. Babies are not yet persons, and cows and pigs never will be.Kants Principle of Humanity implies that it is only persons who possess dignity and must be treated as ends. Animals only have a use value and may be treated as mere means or resources. Animals may be used in experiments to test new drugs, but persons may be used in such experiments only with their informed consent. Kantians agree that killing the 1 healthy person in the above example is wrong, even if it maximizes utility for society as a whole. It is wrong because it treats him as a mere means. Kant held that if one commits suicide because one believes that the remainder of ones life will be filled with more discomfo rt than pleasure, then one fails to treat oneself as an end. So long as one retains the capacities that make one a person, then one has dignity and one ought to respect this dignity. To think that life is worth liveliness only if it is pleasant is to fail to respect this dignity. Another objection that Kantians have to AU, especially the hedonistic version, is that it is a degrading to humanity to think and act as though pleasure were the point of life.Kantians think that the point of life is the exercise of ones personhood capacities in moral deliberation and choice. This does not mean that Kantians must oppose all suicide and euthanasia. They support it in cases where people have permanently lost the capacities for free will and reason (e. g. PVS patients like Terry Schiavo). mercy killing in these cases provides a dignified death. Of course sometimes when people talk about dying with dignity theyre assuming that its the need to be cared for by others (e. g. to wear Depends diap ers and have them changed by others) thats undignified. A Kantian has to say that those people have mistaken views about the basis of human dignity. Its personhood, not the ability to care for oneself without assistance from others, that gives human beings their dignity. Another implication of the Principle of Humanity is that lying is typically wrong. A woman who persuades me to sell her my new car at a low price by telling me a lie that I believe (males who drive your model of car are 20 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than males who dont) treats me as a mere means.She manipulates me in a way that I would not consent to if I were aware of what her purposes are. What many people have criticized in Kant is not his claim that lies like this one are wrong, but his view that lying is always wrong. In the case where lying to evil people will help to thwart their evil aims (e. g. someone intent on committing murder asks me the whereabouts of his intended victim) Kant held that lying remains wrong. Instead of lying, I should simply not say anything. The main business with the Principle of Humanity is that its not entirely clear what it means to treat another person as an end. Its been claimed that it means you must treat others in ways that they would not object to if they were morally reasonable, thinking clearly, and well-informed about relevant factual matters. When society puts a thief in prison, its treating him as an end, because even though he might object to being incarcerated, he wouldnt object if he were morally reasonable he would admit that thieves deserve to go to jail. One task with this interpretation of the Principle is that it assumes some other, independent standard of whats morally reasonable. Wasnt the Principle of Humanity itself supposed to provide that standard?Another problem is that it probably cannot support Kants judgment that lying is always wrong. After all, if the morally reasonable thief must admit that he deserves a bolshie of liberty as punishment for his crimes, shouldnt a morally reasonable person agree that lying to him is okay as a means of preventing him from committing murder? The Principle of Humanity is sometimes interpreted as supporting the Principle of self-reliance.The Principle of Autonomy says that everyone has the right to live his/her life in accordance with his/her own views about religion, the meaning of life, the moral virtues, dignity and honor, etc., so long as one doesnt infringe on the right of others to do the same. (Since this principle asserts the populace of a certain moral right, certain natural rights-based moral theories might also support it). You violate my autonomy if restrict my liberty for my own good on the basis of values that I reject.Consider two examples. First, you knock a cup of coffee out of my hands before I can drink from it. I object, but only because I assume, incorrectly, that theres nothing wrong with the coffee in fact, it contains poison. You have not violated my autonomy, because your stay can be justified by an appeal to my own values.Second, a competent, adult Jehovahs Witness refuses to consent to a blood blood transfusion because its against his religion, but his friends force him to have one anyway, because they are convinced that he has misinterpreted the Biblical passage that forbids the eating of blood. In this case the Principle of Autonomy is violated. I think that the Jehovahs Witness is better off having the life- save transfusion. The Principle of Beneficence tells doctors to do what is in their patients best interests. Hence, this Principle supports ignoring the JWs wishes and bounteous him the transfusion.This is a case in which the Principle of Autonomy conflicts with the Principle of Beneficence. I agree with the AMA that the doctor may not treat the JW without his informed consent. Hence, in this crystalize of case the value of respecting autonomy trumps the value of doing whats best for the p erson. Are there any cases where the two principles conflict but beneficence overrides respect for autonomy? Our textbook correctly mentions libertarianism as one natural rights based moral theory. (Natural rights are supposed to be moral rights that exist whether or not the judicature recognizes and protects them.They are not to be confused with legal rights). Let me make a two points about libertarianism. It holds that our basic human rights include rights to life, liberty, and private property. The right to life is only a negative right (a right not to be killed by others), not a positive right (a right to be provided by ones society the minimum nutrition and other goods that one needs to stay alive, if one cannot obtain them oneself). Other natural rights theorists discord with the libertarian, holding that we have positive as well as negative natural rights.A right to decent, affordable health or to free health care if one is poor is an example of a positive right. Second, in saying that someone has a natural right to do x, were not necessarily saying that its morally permissible to do x. All were saying is that others do not have the right to interfere, to use obsession to prevent him from doing it. Consider a racist giving a public speech in which he advocates denying black people the right to vote. To say that he has a natural right to free speech only means that others (especially the government) are forbidden to step in and prevent him from speaking.It doesnt mean that theres nothing morally wrong with his speech. There obviously ispromoting racism is immoral. And in saying that we think his speech is immoral we dont violate his free speech rights. We exercise our own. There are many different varieties of religious ethics, but we should focus on three religious ethics ideas often introduced into biomedical ethics controversies in this country. They arei) The sanctity of life doctrineit is absolutely forbidden either to perform or fail to perform some action with the aim of causing or facilitating the death of any innocent human being (oneself or another), whether or not the person to die consents to the act or omission, and whether or not he is better off with a quick and painless death. Hence, euthanasia (voluntary or not) is forbidden.The taking of innocent human life is Gods prerogative, not mans. No human being has the right to play God. On the basis of the sanctity of life doctrine many religious people oppose the legalization of physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. (They usually have other objections to legalization not based on this doctrine). ii) Unnatural acts are wrong.Though in-vetro fertilization and surrogate birthing are both wrong for this reason, the use of fertility drugs by a couple that has had difficulty in conceiving is not. iii) (Roman universality only) The Doctrine of Double Effect It is permissible to perform an act the evil consequences of which one foresees but does not intend (e. g. the death of an innocent human being), so long as the intended good consequences of the act outweigh or justify the unintended but foreseen bad consequences.It is permissible to perform an act with such consequences, even though it would be impermissible to perform it if the evil were intended as an end or as a means to bringing about some other end. The craniotomy and hysterectomy examples and RC moral theologys rejection of consequentialism. The craniotomy is supposed to be wrong, because the frys death is intended as a means to saving the mother. (It is supposed to be wrong, even though both mother and baby will die if the craniotomy is not performed). The hysterectomy is supposed to be permissible, because in that case the babys death is a foreseen but unintended side-effect of the hysterectomy.The claim that people who condemn homosexuality, masturbation, surrogate motherhood, reproductive cloning, etc. as wrong because unnatural are relying on religious ideas is controve rsial. Contemporary Roman Catholic philosophers who defend the natural law theory of morality (e. g. John Finnis) deny that their view presupposes a picture in God and Gods purposes (though it is certainly compatible with such a belief). They hold that we can fill out by means of unaided reason that these things are wrong. The natural law theory, they claim, is different from the divine command theory of right and wrong. According to the latter, what makes an act wrong is that it violates a divine command. So to know that homosexuality, for example, is wrong, we would have to know that the Bible, or Quran, or some(prenominal), is the revealed word of God and read it to see if it includes a prohibition on homosexuality. Since the belief that the Bible or whatever is the revealed word of God rests on religious faith, it follows that a condemnation of homosexuality based on the divine command theory likewise depends on faith.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Catcher in the rye dairy entires

Catcher In the Rye Diary entries * Be the main ac getledgment from your novel. * Create fictional diary entries both(prenominal) for each one chapter. * Each intromission you need to write in first person in the point of fool of the main character. * Possible Ideas ab aside the admittance You arse write what happened to the character in that chapter, and carry the character reflect on the neverthelessts that happened, what he/she would have through differently, or what that character questions any possible connections to family, values, historical rasets or prior events.Dairy entry 1 Hello, Im here in my rest home in which I came for therapy. I dont re eithery want to palaver nearly my early life. But I to have mention D. B my older brother that is a Hollywood writer which I believe that he is barely searching for fame. My lifes a comp e rattling(prenominal) in e real(prenominal) toldowe mess I rate you. I was attending penny homework back in Pennsylvania. retri butive because I was non glance overy to apply myself, I flunk four of my five courses thus I will neer come back, thats for sure. I look on I was thither overlooking the footb on the whole field which I had no interest in being there were Penny plays its annual grudge.I was there because I was supposed to be in New York because Im the manager of the fencing team plainly I accidents lost the teams utile on the subway and all(prenominal), entirely I actually dont care. I have unfeignedly effectual memories form things that happen there hardly I sure had to leave. I remember having to go and say goodbye to Mr.. Spencer because he meant a bay window to me, although his smoking get the better ofs me. Dairy entry 2 So I go and pick out Mr.. Spencer and OMG he is in decrepit conditions. As perpetually he was attempt to lecture me on my academic failures and his quotes about all this crappy things.I do scorn him when he told me that he had flunked me. I couldnt handle on m ore word I Just hate to be lectured. So guess what I did? (Obviously non trying to rut that accusations). Yeah baby I left-hand(a)over to my dorm room. Dairy entry 3 So I was there living in Johannesburg hall, reading my book with my hunting hat when I was interrupted by Ackley. Btw, he is a student who lives contiguous door who is terrible hygiene when it comes to his teeth and is always making up lies on how sexual active he is. While he was trying to mug me, Seedeater enters my room and mentions some signifier of try-on he is having.You are probably wondering who Seedeater is, so yeah Seedeater is the iodin good looking tall and attractive khat, who I don t fill out wherefore always get to handle sexy girls. Diary entry 4 So I am there next to that Jerk lecture to him eyepatch he shaves and whistles the Son of India with his piercing whistles that never tune. Just for the sake of it I have to say UK I hate how his razor is always so dirty. He is rather attractive th ough. Seedeater all the explosive asks me to write his side of meat compo pution about some god dam descriptive thing and tougher consequently writing him a composition was that I had to not stick all the commas in the right place. Why? Because he was a obtuse bastard that didnt do well at all in his English class. thus I started tap dancing for the sake of it. After a while of doing anserine things in concert I asked him who his bodyguard was and he wouldnt tell me for while, and so by and by a couple of guesses he told me he was dating Jean Gallagher. His date was Jane Gallagher. Yeses My Jane Gallagher. I talked to Seedeater about her for a while and told him to send her my regards and to no tell her I got kicked out. Then Ackley entered the room again. I take this was the very first time I was cheering to keep an eye on him and set there touching his dirty face until dinner time.Dairy entry 5 We were their having the identical(p) meal as every Saturday night the sa me steak. When we got out of the dining room we got about three inches of snow in the ground. I didnt have nothing to do so me and my friend Mall and Ackley unyielding to go to the movies standardized an old couple of gays. But sort of we went and ate some hamburgers. When we came back we handed together for a while and as always Ackley was always saying his stories about a girl he should have had sex with. After he left my room I stared writing the composition.I had no idea what to write about solely then all the sudden I diced I was going to write about Allies baseball baseball glove my lightenter brother that died. He had read head and was terrifically intelligent. In fact the most intelligent of my family. That might probably be because he was left handed some believe that if you are left handed you are smarter. I loved him and I loved to play with him. God, he was a elegant kid. I slept in the garage the night he died and broke all the windows in there. everyways, thats w hat I wrote Straddle RSI composition about and it was about ten-thirty when I complete it.I was board so I Just sat there looking through the window. Diary entry 6 I am stuck here in my rest room and its quite hard to remember everything that appended but I do remember that when Stalled got back from hid date and proverb the composition he detested it. He state it was supposed to be about something god dam descriptive and that what I did. But no, he had to complain about it so I took the paper and ripped it. I was no authentically glad I did that but I had to do it. I was right abundanty mad at him. I lit on a cigarette Just to bother Stalled, he hated when people broke the rules.He sat there cutting his stinky nails and said sit about his date. I remember he was quit late. After a while of my asking he stared fooling with me and I told him to cut it out. He told me he stayed in a car. In the basket ball coaches car. He said he gave her the time. We fought for a while, I fight in which I didnt have to get into because it ended with him sitting on my God dam chest and my nose was quite bleeding. I was so bucking mad. When the hell was he going to stop giving girls the time, especially to girls standardized Jane? I aspect the probably Ackley heard the fight so I crossed the curtains and went to his room.After all I am so glad that I had Ackley, he is some single I can go to when I am down and he is going to understand me. Sometimes Seedeater is not more than a pain in the ass. Diary entry 7 Hello Diary so I went into Cackles room and turned on the lights and Ackley woke up. I was very down I swear, I lied there in Eels bed, thats Cackles roommate. He had gone home for the week end. That room stinted , I mean after all it was Cackles room. I Just started calling Ackley a prince and a gentleman and he really was. He asked me what the fight was about but I was a very long story.I sat there and thought about Jane and all. It drove chisel me crazy. Every tim e I thought about that I Just precious to Jump of the window. Ackley reminded me that Ely would audacious if he came in and saw me in is bed but I couldnt care less. After a while Ackley slept and I was trying not to think about the situation but I Just couldnt, it kept poking my brain. After I while I heard stupid Seedeater come back from the can and go to the room. I was thinking about joining to monastery and asked Ackley about it but then distinguishable it was not my thing. I have it away Im not that religious.I got up from Eels bed and walked toward the door. I decided to leave this atmosphere in this place was driving crazy. I didnt kip down if this would be a good choice but I was sick and tired. On my way stopped to say good bye o Ackley. I packed my stuff and left everybody was a rest and the corridor was empty. I Just wanted to leave Penny thats all I wanted to do. Diary entry 8 I took the worst decision I could have ever taken, walk to the station I spot it wasnt too far but I was freezing. Every part of me hated that grammatical case of cold but it was too late to call a political hack.So I got to the station and only had to wait about ten minutes to get a tutor. I get board in trains and I was thinking about buying some magazines but then I tough I was not even going to read them because the situation I was in. I Just didnt find like it. So the train arrived and this lady set next to me. The unit train was empty but no, she had to seat right next to me. Just for the sake of it She look at my bags and saw the Penny prep sticker so she told me her son Ernest Morrow goes to Penny prep and asked me if I knew him. I did kip down him but he was a Jerk and a bastard he was a complete definition of a accusations.Rather than me sitting there and carnal knowledge her what a bastard her son was I sat there and I lied about what a good boy her son was an how sociable he was. After a while I asked her if she wanted to get a cocktail with me. Wh at was I thinking, this woman know my age. Im not fooling anyone. She denied the invitation. Then she asked why I was here and I lied about having this little tumor operated. I realized I was delusion a little bit too much so I Just started reading my timetable. I was hoping she didnt ask anything else because I know I can lie for a while. I know its wrong but its so interesting.Diary entry 9 As soon as I got to Penn satiation I matte like giving someone a bombilate. I matt-up lonely I thought about calling several people but it was too late at night. I was afraid if I called my little sister phoebe my mom would pick up the phone and notice it was me. Everyone had an palliate for why not to call them so I ended up not calling everybody. It was quit depressive though. So I got in a cab and ask the taxi driver to drive me to some goofy place and what he did was to get mad and I realized he was kind of a bastard so I Just told him to drive me to Edmond.I asked him to stay with me f or a while, yeah that how lonely I was and he said he couldnt. I got to Edmond and resist in, when straight up to my room and UN packed and all. That hotel was proficient of perverts you could tell by only sightedness through the window. Sex is something I dont ally understand. Its kind of something highly hot and UN heritable. I some for a while as I always do but I dont know why because I know its harmful but I still do it. I was feeling horse so I called this girl up that no a where but quit sexy. She kind of wrecked my planes down but what the hell.Whatever. Diary entry 10 If you didnt know I hate to go to bed when I am not tired. So I was no tired at all and it was not that light so I went down to the lavender room where they had a club. I was really missing phoebe. I am a very sentimental guy let me tell you. So I went down to he Lavender room and stood there for a while and I order something but no Im no aged enough for the accusations that attended me so I had to order c oco. For the first time in my life I touch the club tree young women alone. One was k, the other two were horrible.So I invited the guileful one to dance to Buddy Dinners horrible music but talking to her you could notice why she was alone. She was a kind of stupid retard. Then I came over to the table where they were and talked to all three for a while. They talked about famous people and pretty much the same thing the pretty one told me that they had seen this famous guy cognomend Peter Lore. Girls my friend.. .Girls can drive you crazy. They talked about where they work and many crap. Then they said they had to leave. Their names where Bernice Krebs or Crabs something like that , the two ugly ones name where Marty and Lavender.It was a cool night though the club was not awesome but it was something. Diary entry 11 Jane Gallagher in my mind again. Bucking Seedeater. I remember the whole day of when I met her and it was all because of a stupid Doberman Pinscher pooping on my mot hers lawn and all. I hated when she was crying and I remember seeing her crying next to the swimming pool at the club. It was all like in the movies when a prince see a princess crying and then its all romantic and stuff. Yeah, that kind crap. She always read and I loved to see her reading.I still have the picture in my head if when I was showing her Allies baseball mitt that had all the meter because I knew she loved poetry. We were close to kissing one day but she didnt let me. I always thought of Jane like a different kind of girl. Any way that was what I was thinking while sitting in the sticking lobby chair. I thought that I knew she was not going to let him even get to first base but I was not actually that sure at all. The lobby was so depressing that I only got up to my room and sat down. I was quite board I tell you.So I went down to the lobby again and got a cab that drove me to Ermines night club down at Greenwich Village. D. B uses to go there. Ernie is a big black fat guy who plays the piano. And he kills me, he think his an all star artist but he really stinks that the actual truth about the situation. Diary entry 12 The cab who brought me there was a un unblockn sticking old little cab and the taxi driver was all impatient guy. Like all other cab drivers. Im sick and tiered of all theses god dam taxi drivers I need a car. I mean, taxi drivers are not even persons, they act like animals sometimes.So I go again and ask him what do the ducks do when the lagoon in central park freezes and he has no bucking idea. Then we stars to get all passed and then I ask him what fish do. I really do him think about that, really made him think about all these things. Btw his name was Hurwitz. Anyway, I at long last got to Ermines and what I padded old Hurwitz told me, If I was a fish, Mother Natured take care you, wouldnt she? , you dont think them fish would die when it gets to winter? I think he might have been the touchiest guy Vive ever look.So I went into Ermines I dont know why still but I was there and sat down like always they asked me for my age and I sat down on a table way on the corner on the back of the bar. The place was full of people clapping for the wrong thing like Ernie playing the piano. Many ugly girls that I believe have it tough. All the sudden I saw Lillian Simmons. This is a girl my brother was dating a long time ago. I talked for a while with her and she asked me to go with her but I was not really in the mood, Vive actually should have gone. But you could see the interest she had in me she was not thanks to me, was because of my brother.She clearly has an interest in my brother still. Diary entry 13 So I walked back to the hotel. Not that I felt like walking but I certainly didnt fell like pickings another stupid cab with another stupid taxi driver. So I walked forty-one blocks. It remembered me of the time when I left Pence Prep and I walked to the train station. I was missing my gloves, it was god dam fr eezing. If I knew what accusations have stolen my gloves back at Pence I would kiss their ass believe me Im kind of a yellow-bellied guy and all. Well after all I might not be all yellow and stuff I manly Just one who doesnt give a diddly-shit about anything.Finally I get to my hotel and in the elevator the elevator guy tells me if I want a hook up that he could send me one so I was very exited it was going to be my first time. Tough I had quite a lot of chances to loose my virginity. So I went up and got all ready. After I while I didnt even feel like it. The prom is I get really sorry for them. I mean some dont know that they are even doing. After a while of practically doing anything with her, because as I said I felt like sit. I thanked her and gave her five bucks, but no. That accusations told me it was ten.The elevator dude had said five. So I told her to leave with the five and eave me alone. Diary entry 14 I was sitting in my chair up at my room. Smoking some cigarettes an d thinking about past events in my life when all the sudden Bam Bam, someone was knocking my heat was really hard at the moment. It was festal and Maurice charging me the bucking five dollar I apparently owed, but no one told me that. I said I didnt owe anything but what for? It only passed him more. He threatened me to tell my parents that I spent the night with a where. So sunny went and looked for my wallet.He Maurice snapped his finger in my you know. And then punched me in the stomach they got the god am five dollars and left the hell of there. I stayed in the room for about an minute of arc taking a shower and all. I got to bed and finally got some got dam sleep. All I felt was like suicide of Jumping out the window. Diary entry 1 5 I didnt sleep long. I was very hungry the last time I had eaten g was those hamburgers with Ackley and Brassard. Vive probably instead of wasting my money in some stupid woman in a stupid club at a stupid launders room I should have spent some in food.So I Just smoked a cigarette and thats it. I called Sally and we made an appointed to meet each other under the clock at the Baltimore at two. So yeah I made a date with her. So I got into a stupid cab again and went to grand central station. I check my wallet and Im not as packed as before though my father is quite wealthy that it not an excuse of why should I be throwing money to the sky and all. My mother hasnt felt to healthy since Allele died that another reason not to tell them that I got expelled form Penny Prep. So I got to the grand and took a train where I met some god old nuns and stuff.One of them thought English classes and I talked to her for a while since English was the only subject I had not flunked. After a while they ere trying to find out if I where catholic. I gave them ten bucks I wanted to give them more. They wouldnt let me tough. Well, any(prenominal) I need money for tickets and stuff. God dam money is always a mess and stuff. Diary entry 16 Hey, so I got there and got my breakfast but it as around noon and stuff. I made the appointment with sally at around noon so I had nothing to do and went for a walk. I tell you, I could go on miles and miles walking and never get tired.The nuns were in my head. To me honest with you I do not imagine anyone that I know doing that kind of charity, probably my mother. But my mother is not that Christian after all I think so. Then I see this family walking down the street seeing everything around and I caught a little girl singing. I also saw a family with a mom a dad and a little boy that sang beautiful. He was singing that song If a body catch a body coming through the rye. Then I was kind of board and I thought maybe I game old Jane a buzz but I was no in the mood to talk with her god dam mother.Im really moody guy. So I went ahead and bought some phonies tickets to a phonies show and stuff witch I knew sally would like. I hate shows but I knew old Sally would like the stupid show. All the sudden I came up with this lousy idea to look for pentad I dont exactly know why I wanted to look for her but I did, my idea to talk to a little girl which I tough would know her was very bad I looked like kid of a pedophilia. Anyways the girl told me she might be at the museum and thus I got there. And then I got all criminal or happy o I dont know what was actually.When I tough about phoebe and stuff in the museum and looking at the animals and stuff Indians made in ancient times. I remember all those classes we talked about Columbus and all the stuff Isabella lending him dough to buy ships and all. I mean I loved the god dam museum. I can remember all the time I went in here. I Just saw everything and imagined her seeing the same things I saw and being different every time. It Just made me nostalgic. Diary entry 17 so it was about time to go to my date and all and then I got there and all touts stupid girls sitting there I mean It was probably because it was time for vacations and all.You could see on there face that they would probably all marry stupid guys. Then I saw Sally coming to me. I dont know if it was the impact on seeing someone I knew finally or that I if I really felt love inside me. I mean I could really feel the love flowing in the air. And I told her I loved her and all but of course I lied, but after all I meant it. So we went to see the stupidest play ever which she enjoyed. When we were coming out of the play and all some stupid guy she told me she knew came up to us and was all flirting and stuff, you could see over his clothes that he was a very rich guy.After she had the idea to go ice skate and all so we went and we fell and all. We looked awesome and all but in the end we didnt even know how to sake. When we finished skating we sat down and talked for I while, I have to admit it I talked al lot of sit to it UT I meant it you know. I meant it. Everything that had to do with marrying her and living together and love and all I said i t. I told her something about paltry to Vermont and cabin camps and everything. The all the sudden this words came out of my mouth, muff give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth. She started to cry and all then I was bucking afraid of her god dam father which hated me so damn much but whatever then she left notification me not to take her home but whatever who cares. After all I really do not meant what I tell her but whatever she need to be happy and stuff I dont care. Tough I meant when I asked about marrying her I still dont care. Diary entry 18 So when I left the skating rink I felt hungry and stuff and ate something. I thought about giving Jane another buzz to take her dancing and all because I knew she was a great dancer.I knew as well she wish the type of man that had zero brain and a lot of muscles. Which she had had inferiority complex and stuff. Its hard for me to understand girls I mean they say sit, a lot of sit. If they like a guy then they class ify him as the type of guys that had inferiority complex and if they dont like the guy they ay he had inferiority complex as well. What the hell happens to girls. Its so hard for me to understand them, sometimes I prefer not to even think about them. Anyway I do not regret giving old Jane a buzz because she didnt even answer.So I called my old friend and stuff which I really liked and all. He was very smart by the way. He told me he could not meet with me so I went to the radio city movie and saw this hellhole bored thins that ended up with everybody laughing after all the drama and stuff. I recommend you not to see it because it is bucking bored. So we meet at this cool lace and stuff after dinner and all. While I walked to the place and all I thought about war and all. I have no clue why. Anyways it reminded me of D. B my brother, we has in the army for a while.He said the army was full of bastards and stuff. I started to remind me of Ackley and Seedeater in the army with me. D. B hated the army but still loved the bucking book of The Great Gatsby and stuff. Tough I liked it too. Im so glad they invented the freaking atomic bomb whenever they explode it again I would be the volunteer who sat on it. I actually dont know why I think that but whatever. Diary Entry 19 So I got to the bar and all, up at Sexton Hotel and I star to think about Luck and what an amazing guy he really is, his big and mature and stuff.He is three years older than me and studies at Columbia University. Back when I was at Whatnot School Luck was the most amazing dude ever. He talked to us about hooking up and sex and stuff. Though I still think he is a phony. So he got to the place and all it was cool and all. I tried pocking his mind into talking to me about some sex stuff but he was not that into that. I think he was probably ashamed or something I dont really know what was it. He probably had gown now and leaves the taboo or whatever people call it behind. Anyway got really passed and left the bar.He was saying that I need some psychoanalysis sit. His dad was a psychoanalyst and all, I wonder if he had ever done one to his son. I dont care if he got annoyed by my questions an all I at least had someone to get entertained with. Diary entry 20 So Luck left the bar but I didnt really care I Just sat around and kept getting inebriated. I dont really know why I wanted to get drunkard anyhow. I at least wanted to get some girl from the bar to look at me but I was drunk as hell. So called the waiter to go ask a girl something for me but he probably didnt ask because it was bobbies he didnt care.People Just dont give others your massage. It makes me flip every time people do that. Just like Jane and Seedeater he didnt give my god dam massage to her, and the waiter at Ermines bar did the same sit. Cmon people So I paid and everything and went out of the bar because I felt like giving old Jane a buzz again, I was drunk as buck you know. I went inside the phone booth to call her and all but I was not in the mood so I called old Sally Hayes. I dialed about twenty number before I dialed the erect one. I was DRUNK I tell you.So I went on with Sally and her grandma and I made a show out of me and all she kept saying me was to go home and all. I wish I would not have ever called her. By that time and the level of alcohol in my head I didnt even know where I had to be so I walk straight to the park where I went to see the ducks in the lake. I had a hard time finding the god dam lake, when I got there the ducks were not there. It was damn cool, I was freezing. I thought maybe I would have died of pneumonia and all. I thought of the bastard that would visit me. I swear someone would dump me in the river and all.Because who really wants to be in the cemetery all dead and all with flowers in your belly. After all I decided to go see phoebe I really missed her. I had spent a lot of money since I left Penny so I walked home. It was freezing and by then I was not that drunk. Diary entry 21 I am darn crazy, I have no idea what I problem is. The point is that I had the best brake ever. So I got home and Pete the regular guy thats always there was not here. There was this new guy I believe. So I needed a way to get up to my apartment so I said to the guy I needed to get to the Dickenss.He told me they were up on the urethane floor in a party. He told me to stay and wait. I couldnt Just stay and wait So I came up with a story about how I had this bad leg and it had to be in a certain position and all. So finally he felt pity for me and took me up so I Just waited till the elevator closed and instead of going to the Dickenss side I turned to my house. So I opened up with my key and all and then I smelled the smell of my house, I could feel I was home. I sneaked in I knew the maid couldnt hear me because when she was little her brother stuck a straw right up her ear and all.I knew that if I touched anything my mother could hear me she had the lightest sleep ever, the straight opposite of my dad. So I went looking for Phoebe and found her sleeping in D. BBS room. She was there laying on the bed and all. I really missed her I loved old Phoebe a lot. I always say kids look lovely when they are a sleep. I love them all. So I sat there reading Phoebes stuff that was up o D. BBS huge desk. Anyways, I woke her up, honestly she is not very difficult to wake anyways. So she wakes up and holds me and hugs e. Shes a really affectionate girl though.Then I gave her a kiss. We talked for quite a lot of time. About everything in the world. Then I found out my mother and my father were not home but they werent going to be home any way. I asked her if B. D was going to be home for Christmas but she didnt know. She told me something about a play he was writing and all I didnt really care at all. Then all the sudden she knew that got kick out. She knew because she smart people I tell you, shes damn smart. She told me about one hundred time s that dad was going to kill me. I kind of knew but didnt think about it that much.I was talking to Phoebe which told me that I didnt like anything. I really didnt after all. I Just kind, like only kind like James Castle this guy who Jumped out of a window back at Election. She then told me what I would like to be when I grow up and in a summary of all I said I wanted to be the Catcher in the rye and all. This comes from a poem by Robert Burns. Diary entry 23 Mr.. Anatolian is very nice I mean he told me that late at night I could go to his house, in which I actually planned to sleep there. I told him I had flunked out of Penny I dont know why, I Just felt like to tell him.He was about the best teacher I ever had. Mr.. Anatolian was pretty young tough, was only a few years older then B. D. He was the one to pick up James back at Election when he flew out the window. So I stayed there with Phoebe and all we talked about her dresses and her plays and everything. We were then and then she told me to hush and all then I heard me parents come in, then I ran inside the closet and all and she came in told talked to Phoebe for a while then she left. So I went out of the closet when she left and decided I had to go. That was the exact moment to go so I put my shoes on and left.Phoebe asked me where would I stay and I planned to stay at Mr.. Anatolian house. Then I started to cry and all and Phoebe was scared and all but I Just cried and cried and all. Then I left and actually it was harder to sneak in then to sneak out. Tough I really didnt care if I got caught after all. Diary entry 24 So I went to Mr.. Antagonist apartment and all it was this very swanky apartment. Mr.. Anatolian was friends with B. D and when B. D went to Hollywood he said the someone like D. B had no business going there. Let me tell you I had to walk because I didnt want to spend Phoebes Christmas dough.So I got to their house and it was full of sit all over the place, it had glasses all over the place and dishes with peanuts. Mrs.. Anatolian didnt even want me to see her because she was all ugly and all. So we sat there and talked sit and all we has lecturing me as always and all. He asked a question or a pedagogical question as he said and from then on we would stop lecturing me. So Mrs.. Anatolian brought Coffey and then went back to sleep and all. Mr.. Anatolian was drinking and he was quite a drunk bastard. He told me something that quiet scared me, he said that the sad talked to my father and my father was worried about me.He told me he didnt even know what to say to me, and frankly I understood him. So he lectured me a lot while I was tired. So told me how applied I had to be at school. He told me something I had never thought about, he said,youre no the first person who was ever confused or frightened and even sickened by human behavior. And that my friend, it the complete truth. He was really drunk by then. He told me as well, that only educated and scholarly man are able to supply something valuable in the world and he really meant that those are the valuable records the come behind a man of that kind.I was really sleepy let me tell you, all the sudden I yawned, it was very rude I know, I dont know why I did that man. So he kind of notice I was sleepy he didnt get mad or anything, but after all I was happy but a little ashamed. So while he fixed up the couch and all he asked me for my woman a sally and Jane and all those separate stories which I was really not in the mood to talk about. The couch was too short let me tell you but I dint mind. He told me something about finding out the surface or your mind and all. So then he left me there and I slept, I was really sleepy so I slept right away.Then all the sudden the weirdest sit happened to me. I felt something rubbing my head in the middle of the night and it as old bastard Mr.. Anatolian rubbing my bucking head. So woke up as fast as I could and got all my things on and left. He followed me until the elevator and it was all creepy and stuff. I stared sweating and I really didnt even know what to say. That kind of stuff happened to me a lot and I cant stand it. Diary entry 25 After I left Mr.. Antagonist house it was damn cold outside and I took the sub down to Grand Central to take my bags, I really dont feel like saying much but let me tell you that I slept there.After all I should have probably stayed at his house because he was ere nice to me talking about finding the size of your mind and all. So I was Just there sitting down and I started to read this magazine that talked about hormones and cancer and sit so I figured I was most likely getting cancer and was paranoid as hell. So I went out to look for some breakfast and I walked trough the street it was all Christmas. This two guys bucking with a Christmas tree made melange and while I laugh I almost vomit. I felt sick but I Just kept looking around for the nuns I had meet but I couldnt see them. So I walked u p to Fifth Avenue.I was sweating like a bastard ND I dont like to admit it but you could say I was hallucinating because I could talk to my brother Allele in the moment. So then while walking an awesome idea came to my mind, I decide I will never go home again and I will go far away I could give old phoebe her Christmas dough she landed me and then leave. To be honest to you right now, I dont know what the heck I was thinking. I was thinking I could go far west and work at a mess up station and marry a deaf-mute because I would pretend to be one too, I had no clue what the heck was I thinking I Just made up this damn sorts of my life in my head.So I guess I could go to old phoebes school and take her a note telling her to meet me at the museum to give her back her dough. So thats Just what I did, I knew exactly where her school was because I had studied there was well. Point is I got there and all and I went to the receptionist at school and all and the little time I was there at s chool I saw about a million Buck you writing everywhere around the school. It pieces me off. Mostly because I dont want old Phoebe reading that kind of things, it really does pips me. Any ways I Just left and I had time to kill still till I meet

Friday, May 24, 2019

Labor and American Football

The development of labor relations in Ameri kindle football endorse has been marked by two periods in its century of existence. During its beginning labor organizations were weakened by the fractured nature of the football partnership itself. Various upstart conferences systematically threatened and weakened the original league, the National football league (NFL) and at times put in danger the growth of the sport in the America.Yet, since the league consolidated in the second half of the century we have seen a new period in labor relations come to the forefront. And while it was in one case held that players would probably never unionize, the player admits in 1982 and 1987 and their results have proven past analysts predictions to be wrong. The football of the 1980s and 90s was fraught with player/manager blowouts and the increasingly self-asserting nature of players organizations or players unions as they are now referred to came to the forefront.A Brief History of footballT he big coin problems facing the American football league today find its roots in the development of the sport and its growth in popularity as a renowned aspect of American culture. The incredible money making potential of professional football developed on principles of rugby football being played at universities in Eastern Canada and the United States.Professional American football can be said to have its starting point when William Pudge Heffelfinger was paid $500 by a club in Pittsburgh to play for them in a game.1 Towards the twentieth century the game would begin to accumulate loyal spectators across the country, though college football was the about popular form of spectator football. Along with footballs suppuration popularity would come entrepreneurs eager to cash-in on the sports growth.The most solid signal of the sports growth was the forming of the National Football League (NFL) in 1920. The NFLs first ordained name was the American Professional Football Associatio n and it was make up of five professional teams whos main goal in uniting was to stop the stealing of team members from within their ranks.2 The cost of franchise was $25 and the teams met whenever it was determined that they could make money.3 In 1921 the group formally changed its name to the National Football league.It wasnt long before the league was outshining college football and attendance at games went up radically. Small-town teams got swallowed up by big-city teams and football and annual rubrics began in 1933. The 1930s were extremely important in the development of the league.Gould and Staudohar state that, Significant rules changes were introduced, most notably legalizing the forward pass from anyw here behind the line of scrimmage. Goal posts were put on the goal lines. And the league was divided into two divisions, leading to a championship playoff under regularized conditions at the end of the season.4By the 1950s professional football was beating out college teams in the fight for spectators. In addition, a new ingredient had been added to the sport, television. Television participation and attendance levels at games were constantly on the rise. Fans turned on the tube and poured into stadiums to catch a glimpse of rising football stars such as Bobby Layne and Johnny Unitas. In 1955 NBC paid $100,000, a 40 percent increase over the previous year, to televise the title game.5Since past footballs growth has been unstoppable and largely predominated by the NFL. Currently the league is made up of thirty-two teams, which are divided into two conferences and then four sub-divisions. At the nd of each year the league holds a twelve team tournament that eliminates the teams down to two teams which will play in the leagues most anticipated game of the year, the Super Bowl.Currently the NFL is one of the most popular sports leagues in the United States, and has the highest per-game attendance of any domestic professional sports league in the world, drawing over 67,000 spectators per game for its most recently completed season in 2006.6The Era of League SplitsThe rise of professional football and the revenues that came along with it would be accompanied by numerous attempts of upstart leagues to wrestle viewership from NFL games. The first attempts were made under the auspice of a parallel group of teams titled the American Football Leagues (AFL). Before 1941 in that location were three such attempts made by the AFL to upstage the NFL, none of which were successful.The last of these attempts was particularly unsuccessful and Gould and Staudohar claim that, The new league was sadly under summititalized and almost from its first games exhibited dire financial trouble. Missed payrolls became routine. Not surprisingly, the league folded early in its second season.7 The most successful of these leagues was the All-American Football Conference which appeared at the close of the Second World War, when there was an influx of interest in spectator sports. The league lasted for four long time and at its close three of its teams join the NFL and were mod geological erately successful within that league.Continued growth in televised games and stadium attendance would result in the most significant attempts by alternate leagues to bypass in on the action in the mid-60s and later in the 80s. Lamar scat created an opposite version of the AFL, afterward his attempt to purchase an NFL franchise to bring to Texas backfired. Hunt set out on an aggressive campaign to win spectator interest by introducing gimmicks such as wider-open passing offenses, players names on their jerseys, and an official clock visible to fans so that they knew the time remaining in a period (the NFL kept time by a game referees watch, and only sporadically announced the actual time).8But it was the bidding war for players that almost brought the whole of American football on its knees. Fortunately, and as a result of the expansion and pricy p layers, the leagues merged in 1966. By 1970 the teams from both leagues had formed to make up the NFLs American Football Conference. The AFL-NFL championship game became the Super Bowl. The only opposite league to be created after that was the United States Football League that, despite heavy financing, important players and a television contract, went under within three years due to low revenues.Meanwhile the NFL, along with the Super Bowl and Monday Night Football became an important aspect of American life. It was thought that a new era of co-operation between labor and football was on the rise but there were more problems to come.Part 2 The Era of the Player/Management SplitFor most of footballs beginning years the idea that sports professionals would form into unions was inconceivable to many. Today it is clear that Unions are highly important to professional football and baseball game players alike. The forming of unions in so many walks of American life and their increasing power in society brought football players to the same conclusion millions of other working Americans came to unions fortify a workers rights and provided a buffer against the rampant financial interests of owners, whether they be factories or baseball franchises.Currently NFL players are members of the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA). The main duty of this organization is to help construct the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), which sets the minimum contract for NFL players. The association also helps to negotiate various(prenominal) player contracts. The association has been up and working since 1993 and has been integral in the players negotiations with team management. It is also important to note that since its creation there has not been a full-out strike since the 1987 season, which is much longer than Major League Baseball, the NBA or the NHL.9With such a track record it is safe to say that unions are here to stay although it did not always look a s though that would be the case. Despite the positive outlook, after the NFLs consolidation, some analysts predicted that there would be growing trouble between the franchises and their players. Their predictions largely proved to be correct. Gould and Staudohar claim that This view was myopic, and that in fact, The mid- 1970s saw the emergence of arms-length talk terms and the resulting collective bargaining agreements in the major sports. Despite progress toward resolving some long-standing disputes, the true character of player/ management splits was just being revealed.10Before the seventies there had been little leeway made in player negotiations on issues such as pension funds and insurance coverage. The first league wide strike would occur in 1968 and would be formed on these very issues. As the situation reached never-before-seen levels of intensity, the players refused to show up for pre-season practices. Managers responded with a lockout. Eventually the players came back to the field after having gained almost nothing. Yet this strike would set the stage for those to come in 1974, 1982 and 1987.For the last forty years changes in areas such as unaffixed business office rules and salary levels have largely been fought using anti-trust law. Some analysts claim that, in fact, there are more anti-trust issues within professional sports cases than in many other industries.11 Scremin claims that, As a result of antitrust litigation, professional sport leagues and teams had to abandon or at least modify rules and policies governing their businesses. This is a trend with no signs of slowing down.12 Yet, despite headway made in various cases involving anti-trust measures, the 1977 and 1982 NFL collective bargaining agreements are two of the least effective agreements in professional sports on the issue of player mobility.13It was during the 1982 strike that players gained the greatest ground in their battle with owners. After a 57 day strike and a nine ga me season the Players Association won big concessions including a considerable raise in pay and the right to copies of individual contracts.14 Yet, issues such as free agency, pensions and interruption pay remained on the bargaining table.The 1987 strike was a continuation of the demands of 1982 but this time rough the players union was badly organized and many were reluctant to go on strike in the first place.15 The end result was that the players lost their check off privelege, in addition to be replaced by draw a bead on NFL players for a time. Staudohar claims that, By striking when so many players preferred not to, the union may have harmed itself.16The strike of 1987 would be the beginning of a bitter relationship between the NFL Players Association and the NFL Commission. The end result was that playing went on for six years without a labor deal and with considerable distrustfulness between Gene Upshaw, head of the Players Association and Paul Tagliabue, Commissioner for t he NFL.17By 1993 both sides were ready to talk and the end result was the granting of unrestricted free-agency rights for the players and a salary cap for the owners. Fisher claims that, The trade gave each side a key concession it had sought for years, but also tied them together at the hip. Veteran players eventually could take full charge of their careers and maximize their incomes, but only within the overall limits set by the salary cap, which in turn reflects league revenues.18Since then the contract has been re-signed with ease four times since 1993. Currently the CBA covers areas such as the minimum salary for the league, the salary cap, the annual collegiate draft, and free agency rules.19 In May of 2006 the CBA was negotiated again with a salary cap of 94.5 million, 56.5% of football revenue to the players association and free agency for the players. The dialogue were complicated by the talks around revenue-sharing policies of the owners.20ConclusionLabor relations withi n American football was largely put on hold for the first half of the century. Struggles between the NFL and various aspiring football leagues such as the AFL took precedence over the creation of players unions. It wasnt until the second half of the century that the NFL would have to come nerve to face with player demands backed by an ever-strong NFLPA. While the union suffered a set back in the 1987 strike by 1993 it had negotiated an essential issue for its players, free-agency. passim the past forty years players unions have consistently fought against anti-trust measures and have to a great extent come out on top. We can only wait to see what the future holds for them.Works CitedCollective Bargaining Agreement Between the NFL Management Council and the NFL Players Association. March 8. 2006, nflpa.orgFisher, Eric. MLB Can light upon from the NFL The Game Would Benefit If Owners/players Emulated Their Football Counterparts. shrewdness on the News January 7. 2002, 32-34.Forbes , Gordon. 82 strike changed salary dealings forever. USA Today August 6. 2001, http//, William, B and Staudohar, Paul, D. Labor Relations in Professional Sports. Dover Auburn House, 1986.NFL sets paid attendance record. NFL News April 13. 2007, http//, Glaucio. Impact of just Laws on American Professional Team Sports.United States Sports Academy The Sports Journal 2005, http//, Paul, D. The Football Strike of 1987 A Question of Free Agency. Monthly Labor Review 111 (1988) 26-35.Weisman, Larry. NFL labor talks stall, free agency postponed again. USA TODAY May 3. 2006, http// Gould, William, B and Staudohar, Paul, D. Labor Relations in Professional Sports. Dover Auburn House, 1986 88.2 Gould and Staudohar, 89 3 Gould and Staudohar, 89 4 91 5 Goul d and Staudohar, 92 6 NFL sets paid attendance record. NFL News April 13. 2007, http// 7 Gould and Staudohar, 93 8 Gould and Staudohar, 94. 9 NFL sets paid attendance record. NFL News April 13. 2007, http// 10 Gould and Staudahar, 2. 11 Scremin, Glaucio. Impact of Antitrust Laws on American Professional Team Sports.United States Sports Academy The Sports Journal 2005 12 Scremin. 13 Gould and Staudohar, 109. 14 Forbes, Gordon. 82 strike changed salary dealings forever. USA Today Aug 6. 2001, http// 15 Staudohar, Paul, D. The Football Strike of 1987 A Question of Free Agency. Monthly Labor Review 111 (1988) 26 16 Staudohar, 26 17 Fisher, Eric. MLB Can Learn from the NFL The Game Would Benefit If Owners/players Emulated Their Football Counterparts. Insight on the News Jan 7. 2002 33 18 Fisher, 34 19 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the NFL Management Council an d the NFL Players Association. March 8. 2006, 20 Weisman, Larry. NFL labor talks stall, free agency postponed again. USA TODAY May 3. 2006, http//