Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Long term effects of CO2 emmisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Long term effects of CO2 emmisions - Essay Example Minute amounts of CO2 are produced during cellular metabolism and CO2 is a normal component of the human body. CO2 is present in the blood in the form of dissolved CO2, carbonic acid, and the bicarbonate ion. (CCOHS) The majority of CO2Â  is excreted from the body as exhaled air. Global warming which in an overall increase in the earth’s temperature is caused due to the extensive emission of green house gases (one of these is CO2). CO2 is produced by manufacturing industries that let out their wastes in the form of smoke. Other sources are light and heavy vehicles, volcanic eruptions, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) and deforestation. It is a known fact that CO2 has harmful effects but the long term effects and consequences that this gas has on the environment cannot be known for sure. The reason behind this is that the atmosphere of the earth is extremely complex and is composed of not only the carbon dioxide gas but a combination of numerous other variables. The climatic conditions of a region can be predicted to a certain extent by experts who collect data and information. This data is not always adequate and accurate because nature is sometimes beyond man’s knowledge and understanding. Nature is unpredictable.

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