Sunday, September 8, 2019

Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management Theory - Essay Example Many theories are formulated for different schools of thoughts with the help of fathers of Management. There are different management theories main are Scientific management theory, it clearly focus on the maximizing the efficiency by matching the job description with people; other is administrative management with clearly enlighten the creation of efficient systems in management and in organization. Then comes the behavioral management theories, these are developed both pre and post Second World War, this theory focus on the phenomenon of controlling the work force and leading them in a way to increase the performance. Lastly the management science theory that was born during Second World War and gained popularity in researchers, this theory focus on the measuring and controlling of organizations performance through quantitative and analytical techniques done by managers. To deal with formal organization and the concepts for enhancing the management efficiency Classical organization theories were born by Taylor formed scientific management concepts in 1947, Weber introduced the bureaucratic approach in 1947 and Fayol presented the administrative theory of the organization in 1949. These three management fathers have contributed a lot in the developing on classical theories. Adam smith was the founder of management theories, he observed two factories making pin wheel. In one factory a worker had to perform 18 tasks on his own to make a pin wheel and could make few thousands of pin wheel by the end of the day, where as in other factory 10 workers has expertise on one task and were able to manufacture 48,000 pin wheel per day. This gave birth to the idea of Job Specialization, it means that if workers are skilled in one tasks then and will do it repeatedly, they will have safe hands and will have faster rate of production with same quality. It will increase the efficiency and will lead to great organizational performance. Era of modern management was begun with t he theories of Fredric Taylor, when he noticed the national loss of men and started condemning the â€Å"awkward, inefficient, or ill-directed movements of men". This started in late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He transformed the old management system into new scientific management. Taylor actually wanted to increase the productivity of the organization through mutual understanding of trust between the managers, management and workers. Taylor suggested few techniques to improve the productivity and increasing the trust level. He suggested that 1) The rewards should be given to workers for high productivity. 2) Focus on the elimination of anxiety and stress from the work place. 3) Proper training and guidance should be provided to develop the capabilities in workers, 4) Eliminating the typical concept of â€Å"boss†, will increase the efficient and effectiveness at work? Further, Taylor also developed four principles for improving the productivity in scientific ma nagement theory that are 1) rule of thumb 2) scientific selection of the workers 3) Labor and management’s co-operation rather than the conflicts 4) Training and development of workers scientifically. However Taylor focused on breaking of a job into its parts, timeline for each part should be configured, and then reengineering the parts in a way that it minimizes the time and

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