Monday, July 22, 2019

Plan of action for Eliazar Gomez Essay Example for Free

Plan of action for Eliazar Gomez Essay Research has shown that shaking babies is the leading cause of infant mortality. In the United States, up to 1,400 children receive medical treatment after being shaken. Twenty-five percent of these die, while a majority of survivors have to cope with a lifelong vision problems and brain injury (First Statewide, undated). Debby Golonka, MPH, writing for BCB Health Guide, in its Web site, expounds that the long-term complications of the shaken baby syndrome may include seizures (uncontrolled muscle movements and unable to speak, see and interact normally), muscle spasticity that results in awkward movements, mental retardation, blindness or vision problems, delays in physical or emotional growth, learning and behavior problems at school. Vincent Palusci, MD adds that damage to an infants immature brain, with little stored information and developed capacities, will impair the brains adaptive abilities. Dr. Palusci cites an example that a child with severe vision-related problems will not learn by observing. Dr. Palusci also says that the development of language, motor coordination and balance will be adversely affected, requiring physical and occupational therapy, using a sensory-rich environment, in order to assist the child acquire the skills. Dr. Palusci also underlines the importance of building the childs ability to be attentive. Dr. Palusci writes that therapists often work on one child to help him focus and further his attention span. Dr.Palusci also says that older kids with SBS may require special education and continued therapy. Plan of Action for Eliazar Gomez From his medical records, it seems that Eliazar may have shaken baby syndrome. Its utterly important to ascertain for sure if he is mentally retarded. It is highly probable that Eliazar has problems with his social skills with fellow students and teachers, and communication skills (just looking at you might indicate that he didnt understand what was being said). His being a busybody might indicate his short attention span. All of which are signs of mental retardation (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 2004). If Eliazar is determined to be mentally-retarded, he will need individualized help. One would need to work with Eliazars parents to come up with an individualized education program for him. Further, the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities writes in its fact sheet that teachers will do well to learn more about mental retardation, and the techniques and strategies one can employ to help mentally-retarded students. One also needs to get more involved by emphasizing the students strengths and interest, being aware of his educational goals. On the instruction side, the fact sheet suggests being as concrete as possible, giving less verbal instructions and doing more demonstrations (show a picture, or other visual aids). Longer tasks also need to be broken down into smaller steps. (National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 2004). References 2004. Mental Retardation Fact Sheet. National Dissemination Center for Children withDisabilities. Retreived on 28 March 2008. http://www. nichcy. org/pubs/factshe/fs8txt. htm First statewide shaken baby prevention research project in US. EmaxHealth. Com Retrieved on 28 March 2008. http://www. emaxhealth. com/50/20024. html Golonka, Debby. 2007. Shaken Baby Syndrome. BCB Health Guide. Retrieved on 28 March 2008. http://www. bchealthguide. org/kbase/topic/mini/hw169815/overview. htm Palusci, Vincent J. 2004. Shaken Baby / Shaken Impact Syndrome. http://kidshealth. org/parent/medical/brain/shaken. html.

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