Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient Egyptian Religion - Research Paper ExampleWhile studying ancient religion of Egypt it is distinctly understood that most of the concepts of that religion was due to the peoples observation of environment surrounding. The basis of the religion was based on the concepts like attraction and hero-worship of sunlight, satisfaction gained by changing t stars of the nature (Watson). Agriculture due to changes in flow of river Nile was also in the core concepts of the ancient religion of Egypt. E genuinely face of Egyptian culture like laws, medicine, arts and crafts carried a clear image of religious concepts. Another concept greatly raised during those days of Egypt was concept of gods. It is very difficult to differentiate between gods worshipped by Egyptians. There was a time when Egyptians worshipped 2000 gods. Gods of Ancient Egypt Gods worshipped by ancient Egyptians were evolved and diminished with time. These gods had virtually individual properties and they also used to fight unity another to get hold of the powers possessed by each other. One God was used to infract into multiple forms of gods at a time like Amun-em-Opet, Amun-Ka-Mutef, and Amun of Ipet-swt (Teeter,E., & Brewer, 2004). Every God had a specific role to play for the people used to worship them. Gods were in human form, they were used to born and die after a certain age and some of them had rebirth. They were like human males and females and families. One of the common such sheath is Amun, his wife Mut and their child Khonsu. Ancient Egyptian purification was over the era of 3000 years. Creation of World Egyptians used to have different concepts regarding creation of the orb. According to one of the beliefs the whole world was a part of a big dark ocean. Suddenly a large portion of land appeared with reappearance of lie god. Sun as a god is of great importance in ancient Egyptian religion as it created all things. This Sun god had many versions one of them is the emerging of S un god from a large piece of mud. This concept was believed by most of ancient Egyptians. One of the great evolutions the ancient Egyptian civilization gave to mankind was place of worship to gods (Br testify, 2007). Temples were considered as sacred places where Gods should be worshiped by the people. There was a time in ancient Egypt when every city had its own god and its own temple for the worship of that god. These were the places where communications with those gods was supposed to happen. Priest was an essential part of society. Priest was responsible for taking care of god and fulfilling the unavoidably of god. Also these priests used to advise people for their problems. One example that needs to be mentioned for such case was ancient Egyptians thought Nile as a god. individually ever a virgin girl was sacrificed to keep god Nile happy by drowning her in river Nile. In return Nile irrigated crops of the people. Concept of Life and Death. Ancient Egyptians having unmatched civilization also had a unique concept of life. They believe in life after death and considered life as a preparation stop for the life after death. Many civil laws of ancient Egypt were based on this concept of life. It is amazing to note that in present day modern world this concept of life after death is adapted or believed by followers of major religions of the world (Parsons, 2011). Ancient Egyptians considered death as a assign to life after death. This concept of death is an important part in the funerals that took place at that time. The body was preserved for the next life with help of Natron and position in a coffin. These bodies are now known as mummies. After 70 days the final ritual performed on the mummy was

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