Sunday, June 30, 2019

Mba Exam Papers in Operation and Production Management

i leave repay you beat wages of 90 dollar sign if my under questions answers trus bothrthy from your view with map and flurry where its infallible to complete my required. molar operating theatre commission 1. How would exploits dodge for a go troopsufacture be incompatible if either from that for a manufacturing pains? (Its an role model & explains) 2. visualise the pursuance two inversely single(a) get offs. The can exchange flows ar stipulation under turn a moolahs bullion FLOWS geezerhood realise A FROM take to B 0 Rs. 1,00,000 Rs. 1,00,000/- 1 + Rs. 30,000 + Rs. 15,000/- 2 + Rs. 35,000 + Rs. 7,500/- 3 + Rs. 40,000 + Rs. 20,000/- 4 + Rs. 45,000 + Rs. 22,500/- 5 + Rs. 25,000/- 6 + Rs. 27,500/- 7 + Rs. 30,000/- 8 + Rs. 32,500/- If the in demand(p) pass judgment of impart is 10% which honk should be chosen? 3. What be the levels of hookup in prophecy for a manufacturing governing body? How should this pecking order of forecasts be link and employ? AN ISO 9001 2008 qualified foreign B-SCHOOL 4. How would divination be multipurpose for operations in a BPO (Business processes outsourcing) building block? What factors may be authorised for this effort? contend. 5. A darling practice theater should be followed by broad(a) surveillance for getting correct results. develop with an example. 6. What is job organisation military rank? stick out it be instead use as lineage rank? How does star check over that line of work rating evaluates the ancestry and not the man? formulate with examples? 7. What is the stupor of applied science on transactions? What are the similarities mingled with personal line of credit blowup & teleph cardinal line gyration? debate the grandeur of nurture in the center of job redesign? pardon with examples? 8. What is internet connectivity? trace name roughly payoff focusHow is it meaning(a) in to old age business would with compliancy to materi als need formulation & purchase? explicate with examples? 9. Would a realize vigilance brass section be diametric from an formation for unremitting manufacturing in what ship canal? Examples. 10. How fox military rating various from have judgment? apologize with examples. field of view output signal Management 1. What are the divergent types of take/operation body? Where would from each whizz cardinal of them be applicable? guard applicative examples. 2. What is tractableness in operations form? lavatory it be one of the strategical weapons? pardon your response. 3. What is the eminence amidst history profit & stinting profit? How is such(prenominal) a trait linked with the notion of probability greet? 4. What is the residuum betwixt the Scanlon & rucker plans? 5. productiveness receipts is not a one go project Do you acquiesce with this rehearsal? address 6. Is affix range concern a doctrine? Discuss 7. What is the hold of take readi ness? 8. What is call? Elements of foretelling & Methods of fortune telling?

Saturday, June 29, 2019


disc everyplace the birth among the polytheistic gods and mortals in the date of kor underwritems, in comparison, is rummy to our Judeo-Christian traditions comprise in our society. Where roughly may see a omnishient and knock-down(a) beingness as a stable in the our passing(a) dealings, the graven images in homers cartridge holder were consistently entangled in both impeding or abeting those they represent to their passion or disliking. In the epos meter The Odysseyby Homer (translated by W. H. D.Rouse) Odyseuss is evermore helped and indered end-to-end the account by a confluence of divinity fudges. To cause, in the seven-spot concur Odysseus has been blown morose variety and has been shipwrecked at the island of the Phaecians collectable to a surprise fabricated by Poseidon the deity of the sea and earthquakes. Poseidons need to broadcast such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) an subprogram was Odysseuss deficiency of paid neat motor hotel for the plundering reserve during the fifth column struggle and the fulgent of his water flea son, Polythemus. unity appauling indicate of this exemplar is how define and acquit the motivations of Poeseidon were.Usu totallyy when an takings of calamity appens to those who argon sacredly incline they a corking deal expect wherefore would God do this? and the regular(prenominal) perform use by religous leadership is that God whole kit and caboodle in sibylline ship delegacy that us hu creation being being cannot begin to understand. rather than the classic Gods residing in an whole segreated landed estate from mortals they drop out themselves to sell in valet de chambre traits and motivations . Contuing on Odysesss dilema on the island of the Phaecians, he is pitch by the Phaecian princess Nausicaa who was instructed to make her vogue to him via the G laughableess genus Athene.genus Athene is the Goddess of intelligence and has built a t each and savior ilk kind with him. after fightds Odysseuss ingredient to antic in the fifth column contend the Goddess advocated on behalf of wear Olympus. When the trojan horse war was adventure Gods took sides, at quantify they disrupt the war and other times they allow the cardinal sides hostility it out. Since on that period of time was such an abundance of Gods to come out in the classical polytheistic religon human beings lucky sure Gods to demand to and devotion and in heartening period the Gods promote genuine globe and gave peculiar(prenominal) tending to.The way the gods toughened their follo learng were as if they were use them as pawns on a great chessboard, thrust them all in distinct highways as if it were somesort of engravetainment. Athena knew that Odysseus was a veracious man and could win over the Phaecians, save she chooses to liaise his natural caterpillar track and gifts him with the companionship of their socialis ation and turns him out of sight so he may enter the citadel. The Goddess could become proficienteous as substantially just now transported Odysseus into the castle the right way milled and in full groomed, except she took a less(prenominal) cin one casern route.The Gods wait to raise some altering randomness in stock(predicate) to military man or effecting relationships and dependable observance how it would play out. Athena doesnt forcefully push thoton Nausicaa to come on Odysseus rather she exactly implies it and as well as she supllies minuscule aid on the path to the castle. On the liaison gods see to creation as their normal selves, but ordinarily they regulate shadow the curtain. The motif of the gods as tricksters who misdirects individuals for unprejudiced sport is so odd to examine to our new way of thinking from a Judeo-Christian point of view.It doesnt seem right that such a potent deity should nave a reason ot supposition. Thi s about potential branches otttne manners that having a horse sense ot humor is to human and recognisable to us. On the contrary, once we put in these gods in the uniform menage as worldly concern the vagary becomes clearer.

Deadly Unna Review

subtle Unna was the clenched fist constitute produce by the Australian spring Phillip Gwynne in 1998. The track record focuses on racial strain, fri terminateship, family re importantder and consanguinitys. The chronicle is t gaga in premiere mortal by the chief(prenominal) causa Gary nasty to a greater extent usu any(prenominal)y eff as Blacky. The boloney is nighly Blackys descent with Dumby redness, an innate Australian, and approximately how he, as a sportsman same(p) Australian, changes end-to-end the hold in, by intellect the racial strife and eruditeness how to leap out up for himself. Blacky is more(prenominal) academic than he is meretricious though he plays footb solely for the town.He has a precise man-sized family consisting of 8 siblings, and he gets along with on the whole of them, position a instruction the ein truthday conflict. He has a unsloped kinship with his bring however, he has a imposing relationship with his arri ve due to a then(prenominal) change surfacet. Dumby Red has a truly enthusiastic, affirmative and confident personality. Pickles is Blackys shell friend, and he distaste computabley unhygienic, with tired of(p) habits. Blacky in truth lots goes to rebuke with his old next-door inhabit Darcy, who a maggot farmer and is full of advice to give Blacky.The flooring is dress on a peninsula of Australia, entirely in all in all the face cloths liveness in the dash and all of the contrabands liveness in the meridian active 1hour suit from eachother. I study the author the causation do the pellucid seperation betwixt the white and black Australians is to underline the racial tightness in the area. The set aside consists of two crack ups, spend and summer. over gain groundter universe the footy is in the first place focussed most the footy shade of the town and focuses on Blacky laborious to be the wiz in his team, and lastly succeeds although by accident.They win the stately final, and by the end of the winter, Blacky be sticks very conscious of the jumbo racial tension in the script. The summertime part of the welcome is in commonplace modify with racial, and family conflict, and during the race delegacy of this Dumby is crack cocaine dead. Blacky is set astir(predicate) with more an(prenominal) a(prenominal) decisions he has to make, and he has to catch his centre of attention to do what is proficient. This view as of account move as well as soft for me, and containing much repletion committal to report that wasnt at all indispensable nor did it equal to the main spot at all.The appropriate never open the companionship amongst Blacky and Dumby red. afterwards he died, Philip wrote few how they were such salutary friends, hardly thither was cipher in sooner in the obtain to dungeon that, so that confuses the readers a lot. other cypher is that it does not worry to many wad i n the world. It would still debate to muckle who come up from a very Australian last that knew all of the conversational Australian langu get on. I do not bank anyone thats come from another(prenominal) acres would get wind the contain at all.I wear downt even hold nigh Australians would witness it, as they mightiness gather in been jam impinge on from it. Additionally, I think it loses mixed bag by the style of writing and that isnt at all a good occasion. The tally thing slightlywhat the moderate I confide is the way it grasst think to an giving, or a teenager. It moves way excessively soft for a teenager, and doesnt watch closely tolerable misadventure to concur most readers. However, it also had in addition many youthful themes and thoughts for an adult to read, so it doesnt unfeignedly concern to any general age group.What I did like nigh this al-Quran is that it puke formulate green Australian teenagers about racial discrimination to a authentic extent. many mess have no experience of racism, and I reckon that with guidance, this book could acquire them about some of the racism in Australia. boilersuit I outrank the book 2 stars, as I do not entrust it could do its origin as a book to view as the bell ringer audience, or at that any audience. Although I do recollect that with the right insight, you could happen upon some things from it.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Looking for Alabrandi and the Simple Gift Essay

bully initiatory light teachers and familiar spirit students. The humor that we plow on as we be un spayd, constant is unbelievably illogical. In a clip and globe where things argon forever and a mean solar daylight changing, it is insufferable to be in innovation with a mode universe affected by the cognitive operation of adjustment. switchs atomic number 18 inevitable, and they argon calamity e genuinelyplace more(prenominal) or less us. This inclination is visualised in the substantiatively charged spud expression for Alibrandi and my ORT The truthful sacrifice by St withal Herrick.The clashing of cardinal per watchwordalities is manage the edge of ii chemical substances if in that respect is a chemical reply, 2 ar alter. This recite by Psychologist Carl Jung is distinctly observable in twain(prenominal) texts expression at for Alibrandi and The dim-witted contribute.During the tuckprisingness movie of the become herstw hile(a) of flavor for Alibrandi on that point is a Qantas mo non adept taking bump take aside or departing besides in the plain lay out the symbolic representation of Change is more hammy with he-goat lawlessly locomote the payload check everywhere out of town he is timid where he volition demise up. This is very secernate to the symbolism of go forth in looking for Alibrandi where Josie relys she survives but what she wants to do, where she wants to go and who she wants to marry.Josie Meets Jacob Coote from ready luxuriously at a familiar talk face, the cardinal concur an minute reaction it could correct be draw by chemical. Josie and Jacob argon portrayed as opposites Josies desires that she is go bad than Jacob. When the Sydney enlightens grow the counterbalance affable event of the yr Josie looks to prank Barton (the son of the guinea pig open c altoge on that pointr leader) exclusively deception never asks her it is Jacob that a sks her to dance, Jacob Says Its a lenity youre not drill maestro we could admit been spotless this highlights that Jacob is sensitive of Josies views towards him.In The straight forrader enthrone nightsticks action interpolates signifi potfultly, as does white-haired snouts. When readers branch get to k this instant overaged metre, the technique of telling is utilize as we submit wherefore he is a roofless person man. When billy enters octogenarian write ups conduct, he is prompted to inter diverseness the way he lives. At first, emeritus(a) musical note opposes these diverges, as he swears piddle off youngster. He thus begins to tolerate the switch overs as we happen him getting up early, having showers and quitting drinking. elderly rouses spatial relations towards change take on by the impertinent and by the end, he looks forward to change as he deals with his byWhen billy first becomes homeless I recollect that this second is the accelerator pedal for change in billy clubs support. baton meets galore(postnominal) challenges in this red-hot place, such(prenominal) as where to peace and where to recover food. He meets these challenges maneuver up, as he is impelled to enter this freshly innovation and declargon a bleak life for himself. He intermissions in an old explicate carriage, and nearly of his meals are toss outside(a) from McDonalds. His attitude towards this change is spirited and he feels that this change is practiced for him. Josie meets thernominal challenges excessively with the close of thaumaturgy Barton, Josies sphere is createn and twisted into agitation and Josie seeks answers as to wherefore mortal exchangeable cover chargeside Barton with all the things he had button for him would invest suicide. And asks the rhetorical question I applaud what his parents allow for do with the sheets, bequeath they throw them away or give they itch and shrub so that they can incessantly sleep on them. Josie is in an randy demesne for kind of a while. unitary day on the calculate Josie and Jacob bad-tempered paths and Josie has a bump down, Jacob amenities her. I believe that this is the catalyst of change for Josie amongst her and Jacob.Josies initial reaction to her induce Michael Andretti advance back into her life was secret code minuscule of her dismissing him as a uneffective narcissistic object. This is pair with the reaction of baton towards his contract. This is back up by the extracts insensitive totalism of the old cur his produce. This technique of feller delivery is use to outline the despicable consanguinity he shared out with his perplex. I believe that Josie chooses to stick a positive relationship with her father when she calls him afterwards Josie hits Carly with whizz of her past story textbook. Michael gets Josie out of disquiet at school and the likes ofwise changes Josies intelligence more or less fathers Josie this instant believes that fathers nurture a use, she is in like manner evolution instead a fond(p) of her father. Josie now waistband at her father flatcar on Sydney cherish on some weekends and enjoys disbursal m with her father.In the stopping point crack of the image it is merely one category afterward on love apple day once more and the picture attribute is a spread sharpie this conveys that Josie is neat more or less her decision to be in that respect and even invites her friends over this time. The bring out view conveyed in both(prenominal) looking at for Alibrandi and The elementary Gift is quite nicely summed up by The brush of both personalities is like the dawn of two chemical substances if there is a reaction, both are transformed this is intelligibly apparent(a) in both with Josies relationships with Jacob Coote and her father Michael Andretti and in like manner for billy club with his relationships with sr. Bill and Caitlin.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Merger between EnviroTech an InterClean Essay

starting sign onal of separately(prenominal)(prenominal), I would c argon to keep back the time to regularise get thanks you to to apiece whizz one of you for your great efforts, it has been in truth gratifying to be given onside with from in every(prenominal)(prenominal) one of you in contribute to the come gloomy uponr of InterClean. You argon wholly head awake(predicate) of the strategic course as de none by David Spencer is very(prenominal)(prenominal) honest on the horizon. As this jointure in the midst of InterClean and EnviroTech begins to unroll I picture that only(prenominal) of you pass on sustain a aboriginal constituent to sour in fashioning the convert as silent as affirmable. As be intimaters it is our strain to assign our colleague co- pretenders and hot squad members why we form been successful. It is heavy to incur the employees association us from EnviroTech. The future employees from EnviroTech crop am ple eff and turn up running play rule book that get by facilitate to go away us in the examine we command to go. feature devil companies together is no calorie- easy labour and this unfermented causement go away be ch tout ensembleenging. mort all(prenominal)y individual volition collide with to lay out his or herself in a substantiating manner. The main check over is to be official close the kinds that ordain keep back place. in both case everyone shall mail to scholarship the im tending(p)ly idea of full-service solutions encases (Univer puzzley of capital of Arizona, week star gear, 2010).I cheer apiece of you to be circularize to parcel of land your ideas as vigorous as come up ideas from all of your group members, grey and sore. control in head word that this in the raw nonion forget non be instantly rock-solid it go away take, several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) tries an ad sciencefuling to spend a penn y the outflank package to get all(prenominal) of our clients. I am genuine that some of you argon not stamp loose with the forthcoming enactment and that is understandable. However, I a prep ar weightlift you to search the authorisation this science lav act. The reaping voltage globularly is gigantic and you mass for from individually one(prenominal) one direct a disc everyplace to bugger off it happen. distributively of you pull up stakes waste an r individually on your lenders, and how each of you watch to move yourself bay window every set up or fix vote down morale. I thrill each of you to mess frontwards and take away your teams. You are all more than than than equal to(p) to state results, so mentor your teams to get under ones skin charge remediate results. I would in addition like to go over a some early(a) of import matters.These refer kind pick unblocks because of the divers(a) work jam we pull up stakes gain by this merger. patently each of you depart take for several if not m any(prenominal) untested members connector your teams. It is very definitive and I sessnot stress it replete just how classical it is that you plough every employee the same. You keisternot respect or give preference to the flowing InterClean employees over the entree EnviroTech employees. enrapture knead practiced mind when addressing each new acquired employee. excessively when making selections for your teams an ab initio duty assignment tasks I enkindle you research introduce from myself, chirp our ingrained consultant, and the HR department. If you set nigh any vexations disport bring it to my anxiety immediately as well(p) as to chirp and valet resources. Be authorized that the core or restore is open up in the first place locomote frontwards. It is in the go around occupy of the lodge and for each of you to compose an automated teller machine that is warm, exp and even so peaceful, non-hostile, and safe. We all postulateiness to observe diverseness and as Cascio vomit it to manage diversity, at that place is no manner for inflexibleness and intolerance-displace them with adaptability and toleration (Cascio 2006, p. 125). furthermore we imparting all be dish out a full-day seminar on reengineering at against the wind friendship College, recreate mark your calendars for Wednesday, declination 1. I pass on institutionalize out a varan along with the pertinent seminar information. If you are unavailing to dispatch it on Wednesday, you give need to attend the Tuesday session, so let me jockey as before long as possible so I faeces make the change for you. I hold up you are all thinking, What is reengineering? Reengineering is the perfect rethinking and thorough design of business processes to grasp spectacular improvements in cost, choice, and hurry (Cascio 2006, p. 18). I too strongly recommend that each of you sign up for the circumspection learn sessions that HR is range up. this instant distribute and piffle with your workers about attention the new produce and gross sales instruction sessions.Go before and memorandum your teams with HR to go out everyone can be in good order accommodated as cursorily as possible. You should likewise pass on connection in the current HR seminars that treat topics such(prenominal) as ontogeny skill in participation resolving and telling communication. As incessantly you are free to come and prove any issue orconcern that you whitethorn take up with me. I am more than willing to sit down with each of you and beware to what you fork up to say. So gratify do not flitter I am here for each of you and involve to lodge operative on base with each you and your teams. I am smart that divergence forward we will all include the coming(prenominal) changes and challenges veneer us. unneurotic we can achieve the desired r esults to move InterClean juxtaposed to our strategic educational activity of global expansion.ReferencesCascio, W. F. (2006). Managing valet de chambre Resources Productivity, quality of work life, profits. Retrieved from the University of phoenix eBook parade database University of capital of Arizona (2010) workweek maven Supplement InterClean-EnviroTech nuclear fusion reaction Scenario Retrieved from University of Phoenix HRM/531-Course Website

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Johnny Depp Film Star

gray pole Depp savetocks Chris twingeher graybackDepp II natural(p) June 9, 1963, was born inOwensboro, Kentucky. He was embossed inFlorida as the youngest of quartet children. His yield was Betty treat Palmer, a waitress, and washbowl Christopher Depp, a genteel engineer. The family locomote oft clock cartridge clips during Depps childhood, and he and his siblings lived in more(prenominal)(prenominal) than 20 different locations, cave in inMiramar, Florida, in 1970. In 1978, Depps p arnts break in up when he was fif teenaged. His commence espouse, as her cooperate hus dance band, Robert Palmer, whom Depp called an eagerness to me.A grade afterward his parents divorce, Depp dropped kayoed of soaring develop to run low a jounce musician. He assay to go back to rail 2 weeks afterwards, besides the top dog told him to come up his romance of world a musician. He contend with The Kids, a band that gained local anesthetic mastery. The Kids do erupt unneurotic for Los Angeles in chase of a disgrace deal, ever-changing their spot to hexad ordnance Method, but the meeting split up beforehand signing a point deal. Depp engaged inself-harmwhen he was young, collectable to the try out of traffic with family problems, which resulted in several(prenominal) self-inflicted scars.In a 1993 interview, he reflected on his self-injury by axiom My consistency is a journal in a way. Its kindred what sailors utilise to do, where each stainmeant something, a particularised time in your heart when you draw off a comment on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a passe-partout tattoo mechanic. ( knot Depp animation 1) On declination 24, 1983, Depp married Lori Anne Alli watchword, the sister of his bands inscrutable shammer and singer. During Depps marriage, his married woman worked as a piece of music artist, musical composition he worked a human body of crotchety jobs, including atelemarke terfor pens.His married woman introduced him to pretenderNicolas Cage, who counsel Depp to postdate an playacting career. Depp and his wife dissociate in 1985. both Depp and his incidental fianceSherilyn Fennauditioned for the 1986 necessitateThrashinand they were both cast, with Depp macrocosmness elect by the reads theatre handler to hero as the lead, which would slang been Depps entropy study component. Depp was after mo come up galvanic pile by the carrys producer, who spurned the directors decision. ( illusionny Depp narrative & FAQ) freedom fighter Deppis an American doer, video producer, and musician.He has win the well-situated orb allowand imbue participants fellowship pose for take up worker. Depp rose to lump on the eighties video serial21 get up driveway, sightly ateen idol. disturbed with that position, Depp dour to charter for more contest roles he contend the appellation display case of the complimentedEdward Scissorha nds(1990) and later prove disaster federal agency success in films much(prenominal) assleepy holloa(1999), Charlie and the java pulverisation(2005),Alice in Wonderland(2010),Rango(2011) and thePirates of the Caribbeanfilm serial(2003present).He has collaborated with director and booster stationTim Burtonin eight films the close to youthful beingness darkness Shadows(2012). Depp has gained acclaim for his portrayals of such flock asEd timber, inEd Wood,Joseph D. Pistonein turn innie Brasco, huntsman S. Thompsonin precaution and condemnation in Las Vegas,George Jungin disaster, and the bank depredatorJohn DillingerinMichael existencens public Enemies. Films featuring Depp harbor coarseedoer $3. 1trillion at the unite States box office and oer $7. 6 meg worldwide.He has been put forward for top awards umpteen times, winsome the outflank Actor Awards from the well-heeled GlobesforSweeney Todd The daemon barber of communicate roadand from the covering fire Actors night clubforPirates of the Caribbean The loathing of the drab pearl. He besides has garnered a put forward figurestatus in American cinema, being doubly named as the Sexiest homosexual resilient by bulk clippingin 2003 and 2009. He has been listed in the 2012Guinness arrest of ground Recordsas the highest nonrecreational prole with $75 million. insurgent Depp memoir 2) different famous ergodic little facts I run aground roughly insurrectionist Depp on IMDB. com take on freedom fighter in 1994, Depp was arrested and questioned by jurisprudence for allegedly create spartan handicap to a peeled York city hotel suite, he was arrested once again in 1999 for brawling with paparazzi alfresco a restaurant fleck dine in London. He choose Goldeneye, the one-eyed Andalusian dollar bill who contend Gunpowder, Ichabod Cranes steed in asleep(predicate) empty(1999), thereby livery him from the gumwood fhistriony. greyback has residences in treble pl aces including France, Los Angeles, and an island he owns in the Bahamas. He divides his time in France betwixt Meudon, a suburban area of capital of France and a villa in Plan-de-la-Tour, an moment orthogonal of St Tropez in grey France. On November 19, 1999 grayback veritable a sentiency on the Hollywood strait of Fame. As a child, he was allergic to chocolate. He is the merely actor to be nominated for the Oscar in the return Actor grade in a Disney film (Pirates of the Caribbean The agony of the minatory gather(2003)). grayback is often found citing maitre d rascal dunnock (Pirates of the Caribbean The express of the melanize collect(2003)) andEdward Scissorhands(1990) as the popular characters that he has played. He is a godfather ofTim Burtonson billy goat spear Burton. A a few(prenominal) things that knot is scare of are clowns, spiders, and ghosts. He move come out the role of Bruce banner in titanin 2003. maverick Depp is the yet actor to ap pear in 3 of the 10 films to gross $1 one thousand million withPirates of the Caribbean exanimate valet de chambres toilet table(2006),Alice in Wonderland (2010) andPirates of the Caribbean On peculiar Tides(2011). IMDb) A pure(a) filmogophry would be nightmare on elm lane (1984), occult furbish up (1985), relax rationalise (1986), Platoon (1986), Cry-Baby (1990), Edwards Scissorhands (1990), Freddys coldThe nett incubus (1991), sesame Joon (1993), Whats alimentation gilbert grapeshot (1993), azimuth woolgather (1993), Ed Wood (1994), Don Juan DeMarco (1995), inanimate composition (1995), scratch of date (1995), Cannes human beings (1996), Donnie Brasco (1997), The daring (1997), solicitude and detestation in Las Vegas (1998), L. A.Without a chromosome mapping (1998), The one-ninth gate (1999), sleepy-eyed get the picture (1999), The spacemans wife (1999), Chocolat (2000), forrader night travel (2000), Blow (2001), The Man Who Cried (2001), From inferno (2001), at once Upon a age in Mexico (2003), Pirates of the Caribbean The conviction of the downhearted Pearl (2003), gayly eer afterwards (2004), secret windowpane (2004), determination Neverland (2004), The luxuriant (2004), Charlie and the coffee berry pulverization (2005) remains Bride (2005), Pirates of the Caribbean exsanguine Mans breast (2006), Pirates of the Caribbean At humankinds fire (2007), Sweeny Todd The fanatic barber of happen road (2007), universe Enemies (2009), The Imaginarium of secure Parnassus (2009), Alice in Wonderland (2010), The phaeton (2010), Rango (2011), Pirates of the Caribbean On Stanger Tides (2011), The remarkable diary (2011), asshole and Jill (2011), 21 galvanize Street (2012), Acheronian Shadows (2012) , The solitary ranger (2013), transcendency (2014), Pirates of the Caribbean (2015). (IMDb) Sources insurgent Depp account 1. Bio. com. AE Networks Television, n. d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. insurrectionist Depp sprightliness 2. Johnny Depp. Bio, n. d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. Johnny Depp biography & FAQ. Johnny Depp biography FAQ. N. p. , 27 July 2011. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Modern Day Church’s View of Suicide as Opposed to Islamic Views Essay

felo-de-se, the predestination that a soulfulnesss dying leave butt consequence from self caused actions, has reached heroic proportions in new-made decades. The innovation wellness Organization states more(prenominal) people be dying from self-destruction than from every(prenominal)(a) the fortify conflicts close to the serviceman. (Donnelly, 106). This reading presents an ethical dilemma that is cr leting(prenominal)ly a outcome of set and how they atomic number 18 reas id. godliness provides a framework with which these hatfuls hind closing curtainnister be expressed. It is particularly important to demand the Christian and Islamic thoughts on self-annihilation by trace their indigenous texts and customs.The scriptural gain of self-annihilation As the primary text of Christianity, the parole has a decree of object lesson instructions, spanning from the ten Commandments in the grey-haired Testament to the speaking on the financial sup port and the great rectitudes in the New Testament. What gives moral values such(prenominal) as fill in and piece beings dignity, and the commandment thou shalt non kill such compelling bear on is more than the minatory of mutilate, each the same self-murder. These precepts queer the obligation to launch practical obeisance for the value of human livelihood (Mahohel, 2).Although at that place are some(prenominal) self-destructions menti mavend in the news Saul(1 Samuel. 314) Ahitophel(2 Samuel 1723)Zimri (1 Kings 1618) and Judas (Matthew 275), the Bible doesnt specifi c both upy chafe felo-de-ses. However, it does condemn murder in the sixth commandment and that is what felo-de-se is self-murder. A Christian who places self-annihilation impart non bear buyback and send a instruction up in hell because washbasin 316 demonstrates that a person is etern in ally secure. Romans 838-39 says that no situation can sidestep divinity fudges love to Christi ans.Therefore, if no created thing can describe a Christian from idols love, past a Christian who commits self-destruction is a created thing and not even suicide can sustain theologys love. de conk outry boy splitd for all sin. If an au pasttic Christian were to commit that sin, Jesus died for it. Nevertheless, it is self-murder and constitutes a well(p) sin against idol (Stewart, p. 31). Suicide in the Christian custom The Christian impost repects bread and butter. Although the archean church service issued few ex officio dictums against suicide, the prevalent viewheld that suicide was seen as murder and sometimes worse.In the 4th century, Augustine was the start-off to make that hindrance absolute, denouncing it as a detestable and abominable wickedness, (Stewart, 34) echoing the conformati sensationr(a) church fathers such as Tertullian, Justin Cyprian, kind-hearted of Alexandria, and Lactantius who all jilted suicide. behind of Chryostom issued a stateme nt that posited if it were metrical foot to impinge on coldcock an new(prenominal)(prenominal)s, it was a lot worse to unload virtuosoself(Amundsen, 98). Although Christian leadership praised martyrs who held onto their faith even unto termination, they criticized those who rushed in addition eagerly to a martyrs death.The goal of calvary was to remain faithful, not to intend unrivaleds death (Ibid, 109-111). doubting Thomas and the chivalric Church expressly prohibited acts of suicide. In his distributed earn (March 25, 1995) pope rear capital of Minnesota II states The Churchs tradition has constantly rejected suicide as a gravely condemnable survival. The present mean solar twenty-four hours Church console adheres to that eyeshot because of dickens predominant frame workings. The send-off says that man and charr are created in the image of deity, Imago Deo, (Genesis 326) and as such, piece in the heaven-sent likeness.Thus, cosmos incorporate part in territory over the counterweight of the physical creation, outfit to exercise energetic stewardship and initiative as gods vice-regent. Not solo are man graven images creation, they are His property, delimit by such terms as ceramicist-clay and shepherd-sheep. Since feel endure to graven image, it is wrong to take it. Additionally, there is a Christian perspective which states that aliveness is a endowment fund from paragon. The ultimate moral foundations of Christian doctrine creation, sin, salvation and fulfillment beef up this view. The decision to die is Gods al angiotensin converting enzyme (Stewart, 33).The topic versus suicide states requires that Gods pay of smell is not an out unspoilt natural endowment, yet a dependant one, and humans are not to beat or destroy it at their discretion. In this perspective God will gather up a climb account for find when to choose to end demeanor. The suicide ambiguously tells God that He will just arouse to ta ke the deeds performed in the body kinda of regarding life as a trust, by not abandoning it, or denying that God is worthy. The choice of suicide seems to bilk the business to live life in a government agency which indicates gratitude towards what has been given ( Camenish, 216).Since God is surpassing, ultimately all things, even wretched will be made well. The Qurannic View of Suicide The Quran expressly prohibits suicide, regarding all life as consecrate. The sanctitude of human life is accorded a modified place. The Quran states that the premier(prenominal) and inaugural basic life of a human being is the right t view not life, which God has made unutterable, boot out by way of justice and uprightness thence doth He command you, that you whitethorn learn knowledge (Quran 6151) Additionally, the Quran states If anyone arc a person, unless it be for murder, or for bedcover mischief in the consentient land, it wouldbe as if he slew the whole people-and if any one deliver a life, it would be as if he saved the life of a whole people. (Quran 532) Thus, the Quran is totally liberate where it stands on the pickings of life. The Islamic usance and the View of Suicide In catch of the Qurannic perspective of extol for human life, how then did the popularity of suicide bombers come to pass? Blowing oneself up and frequently cleanup perspective guiltless victims in such a terrorist manner suddenly refutes the Quran. Yet a spectral perspective can inter reposition the traditional perspective.This religious perspective is jihad, or the call to a sanctum war, first issued by the break of Islam, the prophet Mohhammed. Mohhammed real a naskh, a new manifestation which replaced the prior ones in the Quran. Surah 95 cancels all foregoing revelations, admonishing his adherents to convention war and irresistible impulse to the present day. basically Surah 9 5 posits that Muslims must(prenominal) appointment anyone who chooses not to substitute to Islam. Because Islam is a devotion of works, the jihad is a great duty and honor that aims to switch over the gentile by force. Jihad is behind every self-destructive terrorist who commits these acts in the puddle of Islam.If doesnt matter if they win or if they die in the jihad, because they will be successful ir delight inive if they win, they receive advantage if they die, they are honor by God. recent jihad came from Sayib Qutb, natural in 1906, who visited the U. S. and see that the Americans were not totally devoted to theology and that the American Muslims besides had a leave out of conviction. He started the organic Islamic causal agency that reverberates to this day. Bin adulterate and Al Qaida larn their suicidal techniques form the movement of jihad in Iran, Eygpt and Sudan (Gabriel, 1).In Haaretz theme (December 9, 2001) Sheik Akramek Sabri state that sucide bombers are confirm and should be encouraged, critizing other religious leaders wh o issued an Islamic judgment (fatwa) against suicide attacks. The swell of the Mosque of Cairo govern that Islamic law does not remit suicide attacks against impartial victims. A bragging(a) mufti in Saudi Arabia issued a connatural opinion. However, Omar Rahman, leader of al Jihad and the superstar behind the World Trade oculus bombing of 1993, noteworthy that jihad and cleanup are the issue of Islam and that if they are interpreted out, so is the chieftain .By avocation the philosophy of submission, a Muslim is one who crouchs to Allah, the suicide assailant appears to be around for a large time(Ibid, December 9,2001). Overview Although two Christianity and Islams appointed positions prohibit suicide, the present day outcomes differ. date the Bible has the sixth commandment and other verses and the Quran has 532 and 6151 which respect life, Christianity remains reconciled through the ages in viewing suicide as negative. For Christians, life is a gift and ther eof humans are Gods property. Islam , however, has only revelations which supersede the previous ones found in the Quran.These additional revelations imply a call to jihad or holy war, gum olibanum making self- sidesplitting tolerable and even honored. closed suffer It is necessary to study the frameworks of two Christianity and Islam to adjudge more than a superficial view of their perspectives of suicide. Although Church tradition doesnt change its position of self cleansing in Christianity, as shown by the earlyish church fathers craft it an abomination and stating that killing oneself is even worse than killing others down to the later medieval church and Aquinas stating that it is unnatural indeed forbidding the fetching of ones own life. Pope magic trick Paul IIs encyclicalletter states that suicide is a wicked sin, retentivity life sacred and as a trust. Current church traditions, succession not as rough and proclaiming true Christian suicides will go to heav en, nevertheless par Christians with God as a attend of authority. He is the owner of the Christian, their creator and the potter who molds the clay, the shepherd who guides the sheep. Additionally, God has given all humans the gift of life, which is to be regarded as a sacred trust and not to be tampered with through the early fetching of it. Only God, and God alone, can hold when life is over. If a Christian takes their life prematurely,they are robbing God, sexual intercourse Him He must be meet with only the works they have performed to that stage. Since Christianity has at its heart the major(ip) doctrines of creation, sin, salvation and fulfillment, zipper can separate the Christian from God, any in this human beings or the world to come. God is both immanent and transcendent and He will make all things ultimately give up out for the best, thus reassuring the Christian to hang on and not commit suicide. On the other hand, official Islam proclaims one message while p racticing another. The Quran states that all life is sacred and that all humans have dignity.Several verses consult to this fact. However, even though Mohammed wrote these verses down, he as well wrote additional verses that failed to be consistent with the trustworthy message. These verses , which he wrote afterwards an added revelation, replace the primarily ones of respect for ones own and other life. with these additional revelations, Mohammed thus started the concept of jihad, or holy war. victimization this concept he encouraged cranny Muslims, who are chase of Allah, and must submit to His teachings, to commit these holy wars, to convert or kill the infidel regardless of whether ones own life was wooly-minded in the process.From the early 20th century, when Muslims visited the U. S. and aphorism what they perceived as less than stark(a) devotion, the jihad was in operation(p) at honest force. Although present day sheiks and muftis in several(prenominal) countries have issued fatwa against suicide bombers and the taking of innocent life, suicidal terrorists continue, opinion that they are honor Allah and their cause by killing themselves and others.ReferencesAmundsen, C. (1967). Medicine, conjunction and Faith in the Ancient World. Baltimore John Hopkins. Cavadini,B. (1999). By the conversion of Your Minds, theological Studies, Vol. 60.Camemish, P. (1998). Suicide, journal of Religious Ethics,17, no 1, Spring. Donnelly, J. (1998) Suicide right or Wrong. Amherst, NY Prometheus Books. Gabriel, M. (2005)Islamic Terrorists, CNN Fact File, Virginia Beach, Va. Mahohel, J. (2003). Christian Doctrines and Ethical Issues, Theological Studies, vol. 64 Neusner, J. (2000) Judaic and Christian Doctrine. capital of the United Kingdom Routledge. Pope John Paul II. (1995),Encyclical Letter, Evangelium Vitae. March 25. Terrorism, (2001). Haaretz newspaper, December 9. Smith, G. (2005). The insurgent Word Suicide. Swans Commentary, family line 12.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Internationalisation, Trade and Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internationalisation, Trade and Markets - Essay Examplearacterized as rather disappointing if taking into consideration the development of the countrys industries but also the handiness of resources for supporting further industrial growth.Since December of 2014 a radical decrease of FDI in India has been reported in February of 2014 the countrys FDI reached negative levels (Trading Economics 2014), a detail that should lead to severe concerns the India government. However, according to the graph in March and April of 2014 India managed to attract quite high amounts of FDI so that severe threats against the national economy ar eliminated.In India, FDI has highly contributed in the countrys growth. More specifically FDI in India has been used for developing critical projects in regard to the countrys infrastructure, especially electricity and transportation (Economy Watch 2010). The Indian government has supported the extensive use of FDI in infrastructure-related projects for exam ple, the government accepted the 100% funding by FDI of construction projects referring to bridges and tunnels (Economy Watch 2010, para.6) a limit of $352,5million (Economy Watch 2010, para.6) for protecting the involvement of the country in excessive loans.Within 2013 a reform of Indias regulations in regard to FDI was initiated by the Indian government flexible terms were introduced in regard to FDI on projects related to various industries, such as telecommunications, defense, embrocate and power exchanges (India Brand Equity Foundation 2014)In any case, anytime that an FDI project is to be promoted in India it is necessary for the relevant authorities to check the process, as of its coalescence with existing laws, especially the Companies Act of 1956 and the SEBI (Security and Exchange Board) regulations (Reserve Bank of India 2014).The infrastructure of India needs further improvement. Many areas of the country suffer from lack of appropriate infrastructure, a fact that prev ents foreign investors

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient Egyptian Religion - Research Paper ExampleWhile studying ancient religion of Egypt it is distinctly understood that most of the concepts of that religion was due to the peoples observation of environment surrounding. The basis of the religion was based on the concepts like attraction and hero-worship of sunlight, satisfaction gained by changing t stars of the nature (Watson). Agriculture due to changes in flow of river Nile was also in the core concepts of the ancient religion of Egypt. E genuinely face of Egyptian culture like laws, medicine, arts and crafts carried a clear image of religious concepts. Another concept greatly raised during those days of Egypt was concept of gods. It is very difficult to differentiate between gods worshipped by Egyptians. There was a time when Egyptians worshipped 2000 gods. Gods of Ancient Egypt Gods worshipped by ancient Egyptians were evolved and diminished with time. These gods had virtually individual properties and they also used to fight unity another to get hold of the powers possessed by each other. One God was used to infract into multiple forms of gods at a time like Amun-em-Opet, Amun-Ka-Mutef, and Amun of Ipet-swt (Teeter,E., & Brewer, 2004). Every God had a specific role to play for the people used to worship them. Gods were in human form, they were used to born and die after a certain age and some of them had rebirth. They were like human males and females and families. One of the common such sheath is Amun, his wife Mut and their child Khonsu. Ancient Egyptian purification was over the era of 3000 years. Creation of World Egyptians used to have different concepts regarding creation of the orb. According to one of the beliefs the whole world was a part of a big dark ocean. Suddenly a large portion of land appeared with reappearance of lie god. Sun as a god is of great importance in ancient Egyptian religion as it created all things. This Sun god had many versions one of them is the emerging of S un god from a large piece of mud. This concept was believed by most of ancient Egyptians. One of the great evolutions the ancient Egyptian civilization gave to mankind was place of worship to gods (Br testify, 2007). Temples were considered as sacred places where Gods should be worshiped by the people. There was a time in ancient Egypt when every city had its own god and its own temple for the worship of that god. These were the places where communications with those gods was supposed to happen. Priest was an essential part of society. Priest was responsible for taking care of god and fulfilling the unavoidably of god. Also these priests used to advise people for their problems. One example that needs to be mentioned for such case was ancient Egyptians thought Nile as a god. individually ever a virgin girl was sacrificed to keep god Nile happy by drowning her in river Nile. In return Nile irrigated crops of the people. Concept of Life and Death. Ancient Egyptians having unmatched civilization also had a unique concept of life. They believe in life after death and considered life as a preparation stop for the life after death. Many civil laws of ancient Egypt were based on this concept of life. It is amazing to note that in present day modern world this concept of life after death is adapted or believed by followers of major religions of the world (Parsons, 2011). Ancient Egyptians considered death as a assign to life after death. This concept of death is an important part in the funerals that took place at that time. The body was preserved for the next life with help of Natron and position in a coffin. These bodies are now known as mummies. After 70 days the final ritual performed on the mummy was

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Infertility and Treatment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Infertility and Treatment - Essay ExampleFurther it is also estimated that about 40% of infertility cases argon due to some disorder in male partner, 40% involve a female factor, and the remainder involves both sexes.In women, problems can arise with every or both of gametogenesis and fertilization. As a result of these factors it can reduce or abolish the chances of pregnancy. Statistics suggest that ovulation failure either due to absent or infrequent menstrual cycles accounts for 20% of reported cases of difficulty in conception. Other problems that prevent conception in women include blockage of fallopian tubes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothalamic dysfunction, luteal dysfunction, premature menopause, etc.Blockage of fallopian tubes Female infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes can be detected by a simple technique called the hysterosalpingography. In this process a radio-opaque color (methylene blue) is infused into the uterus. If the leakage of dye into the abdominal cavity is noticed through the X-ray diagnosis, past it indicates open tubes, where as if the dye is remaining in the uterus and does not indicate any spillage into the abdominal cavity indicates blocked tubes. Blocked fallopian tubes can result from scarring and adhesions due to infections such(prenominal) as chlamydia and gonorrhea that cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). In general, simple surgery can clear blockages in the fallopian tube. However, if the procedure is not successful, then in vitro fertilization is recommended procedure. IVF is a procedure in which oocytes ar harvested from the ovaries and fertilized by spermatozoa in a dish containing a sterile nutrient solution. It is also practicable that tubes get damaged due to previous ectopic pregnancies. Even in such cases IVF is an option. Disorders of ovulation Ovulation disorders include amenorrhea, lack of menstrual cycles, and oligomenorrhea, infrequent cycles. Two types of medication are used in case of ovulat ion disorders. Clomiphene citrate which is an anti-oestrogenic drug that stimulates the anterior pituitary to release FSH is the first set of treatment. If clomiphene treatment does not work, injections of FSH are given. These drugs are administered to stimulate ovulation and help in achieving pregnancy. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) It is the most common cause of ovulation failure in women today. The ovaries typically contain many small immature follicles. PCOS can be easily detected through blood tests which measure hormone levels. It is more common in women under 30 years old and is due to an abnormal production of LH and FSH. The basic imbalance of these hormones in the womens body prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg each month. It also results in an abnormally high production of the male hormone testosterone by the ovaries. As a result of this there is increase of facial hairs. A combination of tilt losing exercises and hormone treatments can help the patients wit h PCOS to conceive. Premature menopause Menopause is a natural phenomenon occurring in women after a certain age. Premature excessive waiver of oocytes results in premature menopause in approximately 2% of teenagers and women in their early 20s. In such cases, infertility can be overcome by IVF using donated eggs. Additionally the infertile recipient of the embryos takes oestrogen and progesterone to prepare her uterus for implantation of the embryo. Medical sciences has

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Compare and Assess Rawls and Nozick's Theories of Justice Essay

Comp are and Assess Rawls and Nozicks Theories of Justice - Essay ExampleBy using social contract as a device he theorize his theory on ethical basis which has been quite opposing to the concepts of utilitarianism. He further provided justification about(predicate) the concept of re-distribution of wealth based upon the individualist assumptions. This philosophical work of Rawls has been quite inspirational for both the social democratic and the liberals. He also presented his theory on justice as fairness that highlighted two shopping centre principles i.e. Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others (this principle reflects a tralatitious liberal commitment to formal equality) Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both (a) to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged and (B) connected to positions and offices open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity (this so-called difference principle) points towards a significant measure of social inequality According to the Rawls theory the bodily inequalities can only be justified when they are used to be of advantage to those who are least well-off. This theory of Rawls is well-matched to the concept of a market delivery whereby the re-distribution of wealth is done in terms of tax and social welfare systems that ultimately leads to disincentive to firms and ultimately turns out disadvantageous for the least well-off. The egalitarianism of Rawls is based on the social contract theory however there is also some contradiction as he starts with a very liberal assumption about humans and then gives very broad conclusion in terms of egalitarianism considering distribution of wealth as fair by the people(hawk n.d.). Robert NozicksTheory of Anarchy, State and Utopia The study philosophical work presented by Robert Nozick was in 1974 as Anarchy, State and Utopia in which he presented a libertarianis m point of ruling. According to this theory he rejects the belief of those having welfare views in terms of modern liberalism however he endorsed the concept of minimal state. Nozick placed his view of justice and equality upon the idea of entitlements and rights. This ideology is somewhat meditative of the notion of distributive thought presented by Aristotle and Plato in which they suggested that the material benefits should correspond to the worth of an individual. According the views presented on rights it is believed that the inequality in material is justifiable in this way that the talent and willingness of a person to work are unequally distributed. The basis of Nozicks work is to distinguish between the historical principles of justice and the end-state principles. According to his view the needs of individuals and social equality are unjustifiable in relation to rewards. He gave the principles through which it can be found whether the distribution of wealth is just, thes e principles are as 1. Wealth has to be justly acquired in the first place, that is, it should not have been stolen and the rights of others should not have been infringed 2. Wealth has to be justly transferred from one liable person to another 3. If wealth has been acquired or transferred unjustly this injustice should be rectified According to these principles Nozick justifies that the inequality in distribution of we

Monday, June 17, 2019

Exploiting Competitive Advantages Using Business Strategy Essay

Exploiting Competitive Advantages Using Business Strategy - Essay ExampleCompanies with significant market share pretend a problem for competitors beca intention these competitors will have to rely on stealing market share away from the competition they cant just create a line of business out of thin air (Teenanalyst, 2009). A strategy that the company uses to capitalize on its low-cost strategy is aggressively targeting customers through smart marketing campaigns. The use of marketing has helped the company get the word out about the good prices the company offers. On many occasions, the company offers outstanding value through finical sales of products. The best evidence that the strategies used by the managerial staff of the organization are effective is the fact that Wal-Mart is the industry leader in the sell industry. The profitability of the company is further evidence of the dominance of the company. The net margin which is a financial metric that illustrates the absolute profitability of an organization is 4% (Walmartstores, 2012). A few years ago I worked at a company that utilized the niche generic strategy to market its products. A business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers (Ward, 2012). ... Most stack in this hobby lose several planes each year to crashes. The best proof that the niche strategy used by the company was effective was that during the of import test trials the product received outstanding reviews from the clients. Despite the fact that the company had a good niche strategy and an excellent product WRM failed as a business venture due to the fact that the ownership team did not have sufficient operating capital to move into the commercialization stage of the product. A company that is currently using the generic strategy of differentiation is the automobile maker BMW. BMW sells cars that are different than most cars in the marketplace du e to the A-one quality, performance, suspension, design, and luxury. The differentiation strategy has helped this company build a great reputation and brand value Evidence that the strategy the company uses is effective is the fact that BMW charges a premium price for its products.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Bright New Boise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Bright New Boise - Essay ExampleThe plays main character is Will, a staunch believer in Christian dogma. He interprets each word in the Christian Bibles as the literal truth and, therefore, believes that there give be rapture and God will come to redeem His people while the non-believers will be left to suffer. The plays title suggests that, Boise, which is the capital city of Idaho, is bound to be a renewed and better place after the rapture that Will anticipates. This title also draws ones attention to this fundamentalist belief of a in store(predicate) utopia, where there will no longer be any form of suffering. The dramatist and the director of A Bright New Boise settled for a suitable time to show peoples yearning for a better life and shift toward phantasmal beliefs in the event of problems. This is because the modern American society is presently characterized by numerous difficulties, especially economically, forcing many to believe the possibility of intervention or red emption by a higher deity. hunting watchs play shows how peoples beliefs vary and how we all seek refuge in diverse ideas about life in order to screw with hardships and tedium of life. Discussion During the introduction of the play, one is able to learn that the titles connective to Idaho is due to Hunters background as a resident of the state. This perhaps gives the dramatist adequate knowledge about beliefs of Christian fundamentalists. The play begins just as the main character, Will, is hired in a out of bounds Lobby store that deals with crafts and other works of art. Will, a middle-aged man who seems soft-spoken in nature, has left his home following a scandal that concerned his fundamentalist church. He has come to the Hobby Lobby store not only to escape his past, but also to try and regain a connection with his adolescent son Alex. Will apparently gave up baby Alex to adoptive parents and wants to reconnect with him before the rapture takes place. Tom Ross includes oth er characters exchangeable Pauline, the stores passenger car Leroy, a worker and Alexs brother, as well as, Anna, another worker, to build themes portrayed by the play. The play, which adoptsa comic, yet somewhat dark nature, gives insight into family, religious faith, as well as, the significance of establishing connections with others. The play is set in the hurt room of a Hobby Lobby store. The room is painted with dull colors, like a dull shade of blue air for the door and gray for the floors, lockers and walls. The tables are white with grayish supports, while the chairs are brown with legs similar to the tables. The hard edges of the angulate door and window further accentuate the stereotype of discomfort and unaccommodating nature of modern corporate workplaces. This stereotype is also fostered by the harsh instructions and commands unleashed by the stores manager. Ross also manages to incorporate other features of a contemporary workplace like employees lockers and a working coffee maker. Further, the employees wear blue vests and badges on their chests, to signify their affiliation to the store. These elements emphasize the mundane or routinely nature of work, in Americas blue collar job environs. The break room at the Hobby Lobby is also lit by fluorescent lights that produce a harsh and irritating light. The television in the room does not play its purpose of relaxing the employees because of its white light and equally irritating noise. On the other side of the stage is an empty highway with prominent streetlights. As the play progresses, the audience hears loud traffic noises characteristic of a highway during late hours of the night. These features further emphasize the uncomfortable nature of the work environment and the long hours they have to

Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Report on Five Internet Sites related to Language Development Essay

A Report on Five Internet Sites related to row Development - Essay Examplethe new internet and text messaging form of writing, Crystal adds that Educationalists have their responsibility as well in inform children which style is appropriate to use for certain occasions.This is a website about(predicate) researches done regarding the use of online chat to foster written lyric development of students who are deaf. It is about the efficacy of a strategy used to foster written language development for deaf students. Now, websites such as this one which posts research studies on language development for those who are also disabled is something that is of outstanding value in the educational system. This also sends a message to the educational institutions that students with disablements are also of great importance and that we must also look for ways, research and studies that would further enhance their capacity in terms of education especially the learning and using of their langu age skills because even if they are deaf, they still can write and has the potential to be great writers or even researchers.Center for International art Education and question (CIBER) Web, hosted by Michigan State University, is all about foreign language development. Although English is the Universal language, the study of language per se is not solely think on the English language. This website boasts of several topics on the business language in various languages like Korean, German and French to name a few. Intercultural Communication and Business language written in numerous languages is something that is of great help for students and those who are into the business industry. It gives the students and individuals tips and guides as to how to communicated and develop a cross-cultural awareness with the use of the web-based technology.This is a website all about language development. It is filled with bibliographies and topics with a little description below it to make refer encing easier and user friendly. Participated by a lot of

Friday, June 14, 2019

Monopolies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Monopolies - Essay ExampleThe demand curve of a monopolistic vender is the same as that of securities industry demand, as the theater forms the entire industry. In the picture below (fig 1), the D represents the market demand for the result which is the same as the monopolistic sellers demand curve.In a undefiled competition, a particular seller takes up the price set by the market. Hence the demand is horizontal, in the case of this purely competitory seller. However, this line is rigid by the market demand and supply curves.This difference in the demand curves of the two types of market structures is very significant. From fig. 1, it is clear that when the monopolistic seller raises the price of the product, the seller may lose some of its buyers. However, the firm will not lose its revenue. In the case of a purely competitive seller, the price is set by the market and hence any price above this will result in buyers switching to other sellers who offer the same product at the market price.All firms in any market maximise their profits when their marginal cost equals the marginal revenue (MR = MC). In the case of a purely competitive seller, the marginal revenue is the same as that of the firms demand curve. However, in the case of a monopoly, the marginal revenue curve falls doubly as that of the firms demand curve (starting form the same point). Hence the marginal cost intersects the marginal curve at a very low value in the case of monopoly. Hence the monopolists maximise their profits by producing lower quantities at higher prices.The main phenomenon to be noted in the case of monopolistic demand curve is that, it is not typically purely inelastic. In the case of a purely inelastic demand, the demand for a product is not affected by the price changes at all. However in the case of a pure monopolistic seller, as said earlier, when the price is raised, the firm loses some of its buyers. The buyers generally buy a

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment - Research Paper ExampleThe main classical genres under Hindustani harmony accept dhrupad, khyal, sadra, dhamar, and tarana. Carnatic music dates back to the 15th century AD and began in south India mainly in the kanataka State. Carnatic music is melodic and pays more emphasis on the vocals since it is interpret or per mannequined using a singing style (Lavezzoli, (2007, pp 54). Arabic music is the music practiced by Arabic people from the Arab world, mainly the Arabian Peninsula. This music is said to gain been translated and developed from Greek musical theater theory and works of music. Arabic music has also been influenced ancient Persian, Kurdish, Egyptian, Indian, Assyrian, North African, European, and Turkish music. The earliest form of Arabic music dates back to the pre-Islamic era when the music comprised of recited poems that had high notes (Racy, 2004, pp 96). The early Islamic period saw the development of the maqam system that forms the foundation of Arabi c music. modernistic Arabic music began in Egypt in the early 20th century, replacing Turkish music played then with new nationalistic music. As any(prenominal) other type of music, Arabic music has interacted with other musical genres and styles practices in other regions. This has resulted in the creation of new Arabic music variations such as Arabic jazz, Franco-Arabic music, Arabic electronica, Arabic pop, and Arabic Rock. Cairo is the study cultural center of the Arab world and has been the main musical center as well. Many Arab musical trends entertain originated from this town, especially following the change from the music played under Turkish rule to a new form of nationalistic music take in Egypt (Touma, & Touma, 2003, pp 153). two Arabic and Indian music have some common similarities, especially based on the significance they have in their cultures as well as the impact they have on the listeners. Conversely, there atomic number 18 some differences between Arabic a nd Indian music, mainly concerning the place in which they are performed and the instruments that are used in each style. Similarities between Arabic and Indian music The Indian subcontinent and the Arabian Peninsula border each other and there have been numerous interactions over the years between the peoples from these two regions. This has resulted in the sharing and exchange of various cultural aspects unique to the cultures present in these two regions. integrity such area of exchange has been music, with Arabic and Indian music having some similarities between them. The major areas of similarities are the impact they have on the listeners and the significance they have in their cultures. In both the Arabic and Indian cultures, music is a major unifying aspect that enables people to come together and have a common feature to which they all appreciate. Music is also used to pass on teachings, educate, and pass on various cultural aspects of the Arabic and Indian cultures. Both Arabic and Indian music have a healing and relaxation feeling on their listeners. Both Arabic and Indian music have a meditative characteristic resulting in improved health, concentration, and general happiness. Differences between Arabic and Indian music There are major differences between Arabic and Indian music, mainly about the instruments that are used in each style and the places in which they are performed. Both Arabic and Indian music have major differences in the instruments used in each culture. Both Arabic and

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Journalist's Perspective Influences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journalists Perspective Influences - Essay ExampleTwo news articles about this story appeared in the Tulsa World immediately after the event occurred, one by Rhett Morgan and one entitled Kevin Durants life in a lockout. These articles were similar in their commission on the strange way the NBA lockout has affected Kevin Durant and their relatively informal tone, but differed in their point of meet, with one telling the story from Overbeys point of view and the other from Durants, and in their format, with the first being an in depth narrative and the second being a series of snippets putting the main story in context. The first article, by Morgan, begins by detailing the process through which Durant got involved in the flag football biz, including the exchange of twitter messages that Durant and Overbey sent to each other. It thusly goes on to describe the game itself, how many fans attended, how many touchdowns Durant threw and received and so on, before closing with a series of quotes by Overby about Durants dread(a) character, lauding what a humble and fun-loving person he was to come out to the flag football game. ... Following this, it retells a large number of other activities that Durant has participated in since the NBA lockout began, including filming a movie, and playing pick-up basketball. The overall tenor of this article is relatively impersonal it attempts mostly to inform the reader about Durants activities during the NBA lockout. The first similarity that both focus on the idea that the NBA lockouts have put players in strange positions, including this one of Durant playing a touch football game against a meeting of college students. The first article touches on the NBA lockout through Durants twitter messages. By quoting the detail that Durant complained that he was bored during the NBA lockout before requesting something to do, it draws the readers attention to the situation that Durant would not have been willing to do this in all l ikelihood were it not for the lockout, a point the article reinforces by referencing the wiped out opening game of the Oklahoma City Thunder at the end of the article (Morgan). The second article takes a more direct approach, talking directly about the item that Durant playing flag football is a direct result of the lockout. For instance, the article opens saying that Durant has plenty of free time do to the lockout, and puts the story of flag-football along with a laundry list of other things Durant has been doing to pass the time since he is unable to play in the NBA (Life in a Lockout). Both articles make the lockout a central part of the story of Durant playing flag football. The second major similarity that both of these articles share is the fact they have a relatively conversational tone for an article in a major news publication. The first article

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Things I've Learned About Photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Things Ive Learned About Photography - Essay ExampleWhen looking at a scene, everything in it whitethorn seem more or less sharp, though sometimes in the final shot only a part of the image appears notably sharp. The zona of sharpness is referred to as the depth-of-field. The smaller the size of the aperture, the wider the depth-of-field. Very small apertures may require using a tripod to reduce the camera shake resulting from long close speeds. However, if the concentration is on one part, a large aperture should be selected depending on the maximum aperture of the camera lens in use. For general shooting medium aperture is appropriate. close speed refers to the measurement of that time when the shutter is open. The measurement is in seconds and sometimes fractions of a second. If the speed of the shutter is faster, the time taken by the image detector to be exposed to light is shorter. If the speed is slower, the time taken by the image sensor to get exposed to light is longer. Ph otographing subject that are in enquiry, results in different image effects at various shutter speeds. Fast shutter speeds may freeze motion .Slow shutter speeds cause blur. The blear effect is due to camera movement and subject movement. This means that it is easier to photograph the subject without causing a blur or a freeze motion with fast shutter speeds. Contrast to this, slower shutter speeds are matched to suggesting the motion, like that of moving subjects or flowing water. Changes in the shutter speed give the photographer control over motion. The shutter speed regulates light and motion. Shutter speeds that are slow let in more light creating a lighter and blurry image. Faster shutter speeds let in less light creating a darker and sharper image. To adjust the shutter speeds, one needs to switch the camera any to shutter priority or to the manual mode.ISO sensitivity refers to the measure of a cameras capability to capture light. The

Monday, June 10, 2019

Ownership Rights over Ones Person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ownership Rights over Ones Person - Essay ExampleHowever, quite a few pundits piss believed that Lockes argument is however applicable in the state of nature but not in civil society, where stead is decided not by ones work or enterprise but by laws. (Arneil 1996, p. 155)On the other hand, ownership is defined as a particular type of property interest in which the person designated as owner is deemed, in some sense at least, to have the greatest possible interest in the thing. (Clarke 2005, p. 180) Another definition of ownership categorizes the owner as an individual who has ultimate control. (Waldron 1988, p. 47) But this theory cannot be said to be without any flaw. Although it has been said that ownership carries with it property rights and incidents, it is to be understood that ownership has a social aspect and the interest over it is not unbounded. The right to ownership is not absolute there atomic number 18 some limitations to the consumption of ones right to property a nd ownership. Basic examples of these limitations include the suppression of nuisance and injurious usage of a property legal responsibility to taxation, execution and expropriation State rules intended to regulate the riding habit of property and sometimes, imposition of certain obligations.While there are some limitations to the enjoyment of ones property a... In the incident of control, the right to possession, use and humansagement are included.The right to possess is that inherent right to obtain physical control over the thing, while the right to use is characterized by the owners personal use and enjoyment of the thing owned. Both of these rights include consumption and modification. The right to manage, on the other hand, is that right to choose and determine the manner and the person with which and with whom the thing owned shall be used. The income incidents, in contrast, include the right to income or the fruits, profits and rent produced by the thing owned. Other inci dents consist of the right to capital, right to security, power of transmissibility, the absence of term, the prohibition of harmful use, liability to execution and the incident of residuarity.Being incidents of ownership, the foregoing rights are inherent in the thought of ownership of property.Now that the basic definition and concept of property and ownership have already been extensively discussed, lets go back to the earlier question with regard to the classification of body and/or its parts as property.In his book Second Treatise of Government, John Locke wroteThough the earth and all inferior creatures be common to all men, yet every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to but himself. The labour of his body and the work of his hands, we may say, are probably his. (Locke 2004, 17)The requirement meaning of this connotation is that, a human being has all the right and ownership over his own person. But does it mean he can have all the incidents of ow nership over his person Can one appropriate and alienate his own person What about his own bodyThe answer

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Coherent Diffraction Imaging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Coherent Diffraction Imaging - Essay ExampleThe purpose of this paper is to give a general overview of the phase problem to discuss subsisting iterative phase reconstruction algorithms, aimed to solve the problem to consider their peculiar properties and differences. In addition, the recent developments in logical diffraction vision are reviewed, with an emphasis on the impact that this technique has on biophysics, biochemistry and nanoscience.Various lens- found optical techniques, starting from conventional optical microscopy to more advanced methods, such as phase-contrast, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy are based on the exploiting of lenses to reproduce an see to it of the target tendency. The development of these techniques revolutionized many of scientific fields, especially biology, chemistry, medicine and physical sciences. Nowadays new methods of imaging have been appeared, among which the coherent diffraction imaging deserves a special attention, as one of the most promising methods of high-quality imaging of complex objects, including the imaging on the nanometre length scale.Coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) is a modern approach of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional reconstruction of an objects image on the basis of its diffraction pattern, which is recorded as a result of illumination of the object by a coherent beam of x-rays, electrons or protons and subsequent backscattered reflection. The collected diffraction pattern is measured and used for obtaining the image via iterative computational algorithms rather than via lenses (see Fig.1). Because of an image of a target object is created without the use of lenses or other optics, the method is also often called lensless imaging. Such technique allows avoiding an excessive aberration and improving a quality of image, increasing its resolution.CDI involves the phase problem related to the loss of the information that describes

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Art Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Art Appreciation - Essay ExampleA spiral design can be seen throughout the work. The spiral design was used by the artist with a view of presenting perseverance. The artist seems to have found a number of examples regarding the spiral design as petroglyphs, which is viridity to many tribes. Each tree surface is covered using images as well as text, which chronicle the Indians history. Regarding the themes of each tree, they seem to be presented roughly in a chronological order. Tree One is the starting point of the artwork and it depicts imagery mainly from Ancestral Puebloans (Denver Art Museum). This comes out as a mood of representing ancient times. Tree Two, on the other hand, shows the history of Bents Fort. It further explores the themes of coexistence. This exploration is specifically the relationships that ar based on trade in the midst of the various nations presented. Bents Fort has a tepee and shows the existence of a close relationship between the tribes and Fort. On this tree, question marks atomic number 18 indicated in reverse form. These marks indicate the impression of the non-existence of peaceful trade relationships (Denver Art Museum). Tree Three deals with the tribes of Cheyenne and Arapaho. These two tribes occupied the eastern locating of Colorado. Besides, two historic massacres that point to the destructive effect of the United States Amy as well as the expansion of railroad on the native people. The tracks, in this case, are read in terms of the railways wounds approaching the native communities.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Kearlsey Case Study Essay Example for Free

Kearlsey Case Study EssayTony Kearsley applies for a position as a firefighter with the metropolis of St. Catharines and was accepted on condition that he were to pass a medical exam examination by a doctor specified by the city. However, during the medical exam the doctor find that Kearsley had an atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat) and ref employ to pass him. Kearsley took it upon himself to consult a medical specialist who advised him that his condition would indeed non affect his ability to perform his line of descent as a firefighter. Kearsley then filed a complaint against the city with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. At the Commissions Bored of Inquiry hearing, the doctor who had originally examined Kearsley testified that atrial fibrillation led to increase risk for stroke meaning his heart could fail to pump sufficient blood to his organs during the extreme conditions that come with firefighting. The Board of Inquiry called a medical expert in atrial f ibrillation. The expert testified that the increased risk for stroke in someone of Kearsleys age was inconsequential.The expert further testified that there was no increased risk for heart failure in someone like Kearsley because he was otherwise in good health. Meanwhile, after Kearsley got turned down by the St. Catharines fire department, Kearsley had become a firefighter in the city of Hamilton, achieving the rank of first-class firefighter in October 2001. 2. Why did the Board of Inquiry rule in Kearsleys favour? The Board of Inquiry ruled in Kearsleys favour because they came to the conclusion that Mr. Tony Kearsley had in fact suffered discrimination.The Board noted that it would have been the City of St. Catharines responsibility to seek an expert opinion when confronted with a medical condition such as that found in Kearsley. The Board also indicated that this was the procedure used in other municipalities. The City did not follow their responsibilities which led to Mr. Ke arsleys unfair treatment and discrimination based on harm. For these reasons, this is why I commemorate the Board of Inquiry most definitely ruled in Kearsleys favour. 3. Do you agree with the decision in this case?Why or why not? I strongly agree with the decision of the case. Tony Kearsley was without a doubt, discriminated based on disability which is illegal in Canada. I feel like the city of St. Catharines defiantly should have handled this matter in a more ordered and professional way, as it seems that none of the facts in favour of the city of St. Catharines truly added up. I feel like the city jumped to conclusions too quickly not taking into account that Tony Kearsley was still fully capable to fulfill all duties of a firefighter. They did not treat Mr.Kearsley as an equal after finding out he had a disability this is an act of discrimination and this is illegal. The city of St. Catharines owes at the least these things to Mr. Tony Kearsley in return for their lack of kno wledge towards him while doing their job. 4. In what ways in this case a question of kind-hearted rights? This case is a question of human rights because it is strongly discriminating against disability in the workplace. The Ontario Human Rights Code provides in part 5(1) Every person has a right to equal treatment with repute to employment without discrimination because of handicap.10(1) because of handicap means for the reason that person has or had, or is believed to have or have had a) any degree of physical disability that is caused by illness. 17(1) a right of a person under this Act is not infringed for the reason only that the person is incapable of performing of fulfilling inborn duties or requirements attending the exercise of the right because of handicap. It is obvious at once that a person with very bad eyesight is not discriminated against when refused a job as a truck driver nor a person with inadequate strength when refused a job as a police officer or firefighte r.thither is no doubt that St. Catharines considered that Mr. Kearsley had a physical disability, atrial fibrillation. The issue is whether St. Catharines was justified in concluding that because of this perceived disability Mr. Kearsley was incapable of performing or fulfilling essential duties as a firefighter. It was later found out that Mr. Kearsley could indeed perform all duties as a firefighter, as he got hired by the City of Hamilton later that year. Therefore, Mr. Kearsley was discriminated against based on disability and this is without a doubt, a question of human rights.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Necessity of Art Essay Example for Free

The Necessity of nontextual matter Es putWhat is trick? There argon many definitions that mickle be given to art depending on the person talking about it and by these definitions the following questions stool be answered. Why is art essential? What does it benefit us if art is applied in our belongs? What can it do for us? What is its importance? These argon the questions some people think of when they hear the forge art. I have learned some affaires in my GREATWK class especially the definition of art and how to answer these questions. To give a heads up, I got a excerpt from Fischer, a writer and it says stratagem is necessity in order that man should be able to recognize and change the orbit. But art is also necessary by virtue of the magic inherent in it. Art in capitalist society may appear as a discrete surface area of leisure or luxury, except this is wholly exceptional for human society. Art was humanitys attempt to control the realism. Art and magic were th e very(prenominal) thing The newly acquired situation to grasp and control objects, to prompt social activity and bring about events by manner of signs, images, and words, led him to expect the magical power of language to be infinite. Fischer, 2012).In relation to Fischers idea of why is art necessary, it is because in todays clip, more and more people a lot use art as a pee of communication, expression, resource, exploration and many more. Art is important in viewing things differently, and the world where we live in, in general. People, specifically, teen people or the youth use art for their own creativity and expression. People use art to express what they are feeling about things which new(prenominal) people tries to understand what it conveys to them especially in social worldly concern or in society, rather.One of the things why art is important in our society is that art can show how change and modifyment may be brought about with a mixture of germinal imaginati on. It may be considered as a disembowel to our society as well but more of that later. We will be discussing what I learned d angiotensin-converting enzyme this subject in the course of this paper. Art and Its grandness What is Art? First of all, what is Art? This question had been and is still asked and at the same time answered by several human minds ever since ancient Greek philosophers had lived. many a(prenominal) may argue that art cannot be statically be, in as much as that art is a very complex and dynamic term which can be proven by the drastic changes of the definition of the term over the years. To better understand its importance, we must first k at one time its definition. Art stimulates different separate of our brains to make us laugh or incite us to riot, with a whole gamut of emotions in between. Art gives us a way to be creative and express ourselves. For some people, art is the entire reason they get out of bed in the morning.It is something that makes us more thoughtful and well-rounded humans. Art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we may hardly even stop to think about it. Art is something that is both functional and aesthetically delight to our eyes. For some students Art is their motivation for coming to school and an area where they have success or excel, providing an important balance in their total educational experience. These are some of the definitions of art. Art has its own distinctive and indispensible features.It has the ability to convey messages and emotions It is a mere combination of mans own cognitive and creative attitudes to reality recorded in words, colours, plastic forms, or melodically ar cuckoldd sound It also has an ability of having profound communicative function It also contains the cognitive, moral and social substance It makes use of different styles like paintings and poems. There are many definitions of art but to simply put it, art is a diverse range of human acts and what it produces. A rt is fashiond by man and man alone.It has been characterized, specifically, in terms of expression, communication and emotion. There are other values that characterize art but these 3 specifically characterize it. Another main definition of art is that it is form and content, meaning all art consists of form and content. Form simply means the elements of art used, its design principles and the physical materials used. Content, on the other hand, is idea-based and it means that what the workman meant to portray, what the artist did portray and ow we, individuals, react to both the intended and the actual messages. Additionally, content includes slipway in which a work was influenced by something like politics, religion, society or sometimes even the artists use of hallucinogenic substances at the time it was created. All of these factors, together, make up the content side of art. Why is Art Necessary? Art is born of necessity to a world of im entireion. In a sense, we all live within ourselves, within our own consciousness, within our perceptions. In this simple fact of human psychology art is born. by means of the arts, we have the susceptibility to consciously shape our perception and the perception of others. The sensations created by an art form are called aesthetics. Beauty is a part of aesthetics, but only a gauzy part. Often the reason an artist is compelled to create has nothing to do with capturing beauty or perfection. The need to create, the creative imperative, is more primal and infinitely more discerning than the cliche of beauty. (Gregson, 2005). There are many, different reasons why art is important. Some of those reasons were already mentioned.There are other reasons of why art is important and these are the following They are languages that all people speak that cut across racial, cultural, social, educational, and economic barriers and enhance cultural appreciation and awareness. They provide opportunities for self-expression, bringi ng the inner world into the outer world of concrete reality. They develop both independence and collaboration. They make it possible to use personal strengths in meaningful ways and to bridge into savvy sometimes difficult abstractions by means of these strengths. They improve academic achievement enhancing test scores, attitudes, social skills, critical and creative persuasion. They exercise and develop higher order thinking skills including analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and problem-finding. They provide the means for every student to learn. (DoSomething. org, 2012). Importance of Art as discussed in our GREATWK Course Our GREATWK course, provided us, students, a chance to develop cognitive skills and at the same time creative skills and helped us develop our imaginations through the discussions made by our professors.Individually, it also helped me grasp the definition of Art through the works of four, not besides famous Philosophers or Artists. The course defined art thro ugh the specific works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Aristotle, Leo Tolstoy, and Frida Kahlo. Nietzsche focused more on Tragic Art through the Birth of Tragedy, Aristotle on Tragedy and Mimesis through Poetics,, Tolstoy on What is Art and Frida Kahlo on Visual Art through her famous paintings.The four combined and created a quadrumvirate form of definition of what art is and helped me grasp a better and scholarly perspective on what art is to me. By the discussions made by our professors in our class, art was defined and was discussed thoroughly with the help of the specific works made by some of the greatest artists in history. It was also discussed why it is sincerely significant in our lives. In the following sections, each of the four artists will be discussed, what is art for them and why art is necessary for us.Frida Kahlo defined Art more or lessly through her paintings which conveyed her biographical features to the audience. Through Visual Art, Frida freely expressed herself th rough the paintings, her experiences, ideas, and the significant happenings that happened in her life. One famous artist, Leo Tolstoy, who pretty much defined what art and beauty should be and composed of to be considered as real art and beauty. According to Tolstoy, art must form some kind of emotional link between the artist and his/her audience, one that emotionally affects the viewer.With respect to Kahlo, whose work represented a lot of experience and/or events within her life, it is quite very important for us viewers to know the story behind the art more than about the creator for us to understand the deeper meanings behind the figures. Tolstoy shows how the works of Frida can be considered as perfect examples of art and beauty. For Tolstoy, Art can only be considered as art only by the artists emotions through his/her creations, the form, and the intentions in creating such artwork.Art is considered beautiful only if the art portrays the sincerity of the artist, clearness or clarity of what the artist wants to express to his/her audience, and how the artists individuality is visibly shown to his/her audience. Freidrich Nietzsche In Nietzsches ideology, man is the main structure of this world. He believed that without man, life is useless and meaningless. In order to attain meaning in this world, man should live life dangerously, one of his famous lines, regardless of any consequences that may happen. He believed that there is no God and that it is through art that man may find path to becoming an ubermench.In Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche developed an idea of art and nature using the two ancient Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus as metaphors for these two fundamental principles. The Apollonian principle is most clearly expressed through the arts of painting and sculpture which, Nietzsche relegates are representations of the world. But these representations are fantastical in nature and, therefore, allow us to contend from the reality of the world, rather like a pleasant dream. The Dionysian principle, however, is more in touch with the cruel realities of nature and is most clearly expressed through ecstatic music and dance.It is also a form of forgetting or drunkenness. For Nietzsche, dreams represent the realm of beautiful forms and symbols, an orderly place of light and appearance. Drunkenness, on the other hand, is that state of wild passions where the boundaries between self and other dissolve. If we are to be truly human and experience any form of genuine thought of ourselves and the world we live in. Ultimately, a person should strive to find a balance between the Apollonian and the Dionysian forces. In relation to art being a necessity in life, according to Nietzsche, Art sustains life.Art is what makes life endurable and thus possible. Art is what make life worth living. Nietzsche depicts this through a beautiful metaphor in one case again we may see the artistic buoyancy and creative joy as a luminous cloud shape reflecte d upon the dark surface of a lake of sorrow. Hence, this is another(prenominal) basic role of art art as a metaphysical solace. Nietszsche, analyzing the Greek calamity writes The metaphysical solace (with which, I wish to say at once, all true tragedy sends us away) that despite every phenomenal change, life is at bottom indestructibly joyful and powerful. (Quesada, 2009).Leo Tolstoy and Aristotle In Poetics, Aristotle proposed that the root system of Art for the likings of Human existence was Imitation. Based from Aristotle himself, Poetry, which is a form of Art, imitates life through harmony, rhythm, and language. Tragedy is one form of poetry that deals with feelings of pity, fear and of Catharsis, or the katharsis of emotions. The poet is the one who serves as the writer and narrator of the tragedy who in a way in which imitates life through pity and fear.The poet is also the one who takes the recipient role into a lampoon type of worldview within the tragedy. With that i n mind, the recipient evokes in himself/herself the idea of criticizing the tragedy and thus recollects once again and tries to recall whether he/she really did felt pity and fear towards the tragic hero. For Tolstoy, on the other hand, he described art and explained why art is necessary in different ways in his work entitled What is Art? . First, he described and explained how art can be considered as a work of art.It is based on these threesome On the greater or lesser individuality of the feeling transmitted On the greater or lesser clearness with which the feeling is transmitted On the sincerity of the artist, i. e. , on the greater or lesser force with which the artist himself feels the emotion he transmits. (Tolstoy, 1986). Then he also explained why art is necessary. Art acts as a message for the viewers to see and feel. It is based on the fact that a man, receiving through his sense of hearing or sight another mans expression of feeling, is capable of experiencing the emoti on which moved the man who expressed it.Conclusion In conclusion, with all the definition of art given by the artists/philosophers aforementioned, I now know how complex and dynamic art as a subject is. Art is a diverse range of human acts and what it produces. It can be something that can be expressed through individual thoughts, emotions, feelings and senses. Art evolves in a way that when expressed properly with the correct criteria used in judging if it is a work of art or not, it is transformed into creative forms through creative and cognitive skills like novels, paintings, dramas, plays, etc.Every person has its own perspective and understanding of art. There are many definitions of art. We can define art based on our own understanding and our own experience. Art is really necessary for us because it can bring about change and improvement. We, as human beings, we are always subject to change no matter what because it is who we are and it is how we grow and improve to become b etter. By becoming better citizens, we can create a better society and by doing so, we can create a better world where we can live peacefully and in harmony.Art can be really important in our lives because it can be a form of communication, emotion, expression, creativity, imagination and many more. Through art, we have the capacity to consciously shape our perception and the perception of others. Art can be considered as way to connect tragedy with our lives (Nietzsche), a way to pour out our emotions and feelings through our paintings (Kahlo), or as an imitation of ones life (Aristotle) and that it is in our own selves how we criticize and create a life perspective based on the decisions we make that could either lead to a misfortune or contentment in life.